Webtop Publishing. What is it and what does it add?

We've written before about what a DAM system is and how to know if you need it. We've written about what a DAM system is and how to know if you need it before. But if you want to further increase and ensure the consistency and availability of your digital marketing and communications materials, Webtop Publishing is the logical next step. What is Webtop Publishing and what can it add?

Brand consistency guaranteed

Webtop Publishing, also known as Brand Templates, is like the successor to what used to be called web-to-print. Today, organizations have to deal with different communications across different channels, both online and offline, for different markets. A Webtop Publishing solution makes the whole process of collaborating, sharing, editing and approving communication materials easier and more transparent, by turning your campaigns into simple corporate identity-consistent online templates (templates). It allows you to ensure brand consistency and get the most out of your campaign investment.

What does it add?

Developing online expressions is getting easier and easier. With an online design platform like Canva or Adobe Spark, a photo editing program like Photoshop or Paintshop, and even Word or PowerPoint, anyone can design something very easily. Whether that then also has a professional look and meets your brand guidelines is, of course, highly questionable. And if it does, you often waste a lot of time in the design process and in creating different versions and duplicates of the campaign. Since marketing is already a world fraught with deadlines, no one is waiting for that. But even if you outsource the creation of your campaigns to a professional agency, a lot of time is lost due to all the links in the process. If you work with approved templates, you avoid having to keep reinventing the wheel and you can very simply create new content and significantly reduce the time to market.

Making the most of creativity

A Webtop Publishing solution prevents you from working with outdated material because your templates always contain the most up-to-date brand guidelines. Of course, you can work with corporate identity manuals, but that still doesn't ensure that everyone is actually using the most recent version. By updating the centrally stored templates, you can be sure that everyone is using the correct version. Moreover, this way you can make minor adjustments yourself and you can use your agency to develop new materials and truly creative campaigns. This way, you make sure that creativity in the marketing process is maximized and that all your expressions are worthy of your brand.

Want to know more about Webtop Publishing?

Are you interested in creating template-driven expressions? Our Webtop Publishing solution can help you do just that. It makes the whole process of collaborating, sharing, editing and approving projects easier and more insightful. Please contact us for a free demo. We'd love to think with you.


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