The role of emotion in your brand story

To be successful in a world full of alternatives and the accompanying stress of choice, a strong brand identity is indispensable. Using emotions is more essential than ever. Our decisions are often driven by emotions, both in the consumer market and in B2B. In this blog Sebastiaan de Ruiter explains how you can make an even deeper connection with your target group and distinguish yourself from others.

Decisions are made based on feelings

It has been scientifically proven that people make decisions based on intuition, emotion and feeling. Although we often think that especially in the consumer world decisions are emotional in nature, this is also the case in B2B. After all, business to business ís human to human. Companies don't do business with companies, companies do business with people. And if you want people to choose you, you have to touch them.

Emotion from the core value

It all starts with your organization's core values and proposition. When you openly commit to a theme such as sustainability, you appeal to the emotions of customers who also care. This creates hope and optimism. By clearly integrating this commitment into your brand values, you can respond to their emotions.

Emotion in your message

Those same emotions need to find their way into your content. That may involve certain word choice, colors, video and photography style. Also consider the choice of materials. For example, if you want to create a luxurious look and feel, you are more likely to achieve that with an ad in a glossy magazine than a publication in a neighborhood newspaper.

The role of marketing software

The use of Digital Asset Management (DAM) and marketing software supports you in this regard. By storing different assets in an effective way and using them consistently, you always convey the right feeling. Establishing guidelines regarding branding and brand identity is also important here. This ensures that all parties working with your brand, internal and external, create and use the same elements in the right way.

The importance of data

Moreover, a DAM system helps you obtain valuable data. It allows you to assess which content resonates well with your target audience and which content is most effective. It also allows you to use marketing software to consistently and, if necessary, personalize across different channels to distribute the content that should respond to the desired emotion. By using a combination of content building blocks, managed consistently and available in real time, you can communicate through the right channels at the right time and evoke the desired emotional response from your target audience.


By using emotions properly for your brand identity and investing in good software, you can build a strong connection with your target audience. This not only results in new customers, but also in customer loyalty and repeat purchases. Would you like to experience how Digital Asset Management helps you do this? Request a no-obligation demo of our Brand Management solutions. Would you like to talk further about the advantages of marketing automation for your organization? That's always possible too! Just give us a call at (0)20 820 83 82 or email us at We would love to get to know you.


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Sarah: 'Comrads' DAM system works very intuitively'