Strengthen your brand with emotional branding

Building a strong brand is more important than ever. We are all inundated with choices. Creating an emotional connection with your customers is the key to differentiating your brand. Emotional branding goes beyond just a fancy sales pitch. It's about telling stories that stick, stories in which you share your brand values and in which people recognize themselves. In this blog, Sebastiaan de Ruiter explores how to make that stunning impression on your - potential - customers.

Why emotions are so powerful

People buy on emotion and justify their purchase with logic. This is also true in B2B. Although business decision makers often use more data and analysis in their purchasing process, emotions also play a big role. It may surprise you, but decision makers in B2B environments are people too, they know all about that at Atos. So their emotions are just as decisive as those of consumers. In short: whatever business you are in, the feelings your brand evokes have a direct influence on the decision whether or not to choose your product or service. Emotional branding harnesses this power by humanizing your brand and creating a personal connection with your customers. This leads not only to higher customer engagement, but also to greater brand loyalty.

The art of storytelling

One of the most effective ways to integrate emotional branding into your strategy is through storytelling, I wrote a blog about that before. Stories are a powerful tool to convey your brand identity and make a deep emotional connection. Take for example Dove, the Unilever brand known for its personal care products.


Dove positions itself as a leader in emotional branding by focusing on real beauty and "body positivity," especially among young women. Back in 2004, Dove began challenging false beauty standards. Now 20 years later, with the prediction that 90% of content will soon be AI-generated, the state of beauty is still problematic. Dove's new campaign, The Code, focuses on the impact of AI on the state of beauty. With the tagline "Let's #KeepBeautyReal," Dove once again reinforces its emotional connection with its customers.

The importance of shared values

People want to feel connected to brands that reflect their values. This is why brands like Dove are so successful in building a loyal customer base. By committing to true beauty and self-confidence, Dove shows that they do more than just sell products; they help promote self-acceptance and body positivity. This resonates with people who share the same values, creating a deeper emotional connection.

Create unforgettable experiences

In addition to stories and shared values, experiences are a crucial part of emotional branding. It's about creating moments that leave a lasting impression. This can range from events and campaigns to customer service and product experiences. One brand that does this well is Tony's Chocolonely. With their mission to make 100% slave-free chocolate a legal requirement, they not only create delicious products, but also provide experiences that raise consumer awareness of social justice. Their campaigns and events often focus on education and engaging customers in their mission. This sticks and creates a lasting connection with the brand.

Using DAM for consistent branding.

A Digital Asset Management (DAM) system can be a valuable tool in managing and distributing your carefully created content. With a DAM system, you can ensure that all brand assets are used consistently and appropriately, creating a unified brand experience. This not only helps strengthen the emotional connection with your customers, but also ensures that your brand message is the same everywhere.


By using emotions properly for your brand identity and investing in good software, you can build a strong connection with your target audience. This not only results in new customers, but also in customer loyalty and repeat purchases. Would you like to experience how Digital Asset Management helps you do this? Request a no-obligation demo of our Brand Management solutions. Would you like to talk further about the advantages of marketing automation for your organization? That's always possible too! Just give us a call at (0)20 820 83 82 or email us at We would love to get to know you.


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