Storytelling and marketing automation. Here's what you need to know
Storytelling has traditionally been the way to create an emotional connection with your brand and generate brand ambassadors. But with today's continued digitalization, new forms of storytelling have emerged. Whereas previously it was mainly the company that told the story towards the customer, now individuals can also act as storytellers for a brand. In this blog, Sebastiaan de Ruiter explains how a DAM system supports you in establishing a strong brand story.
Marketingautomation: The perfect partner for storytelling
When I say that storytelling is very valuable, I am not telling much new. According to the article "The Science Behind The Art Of Storytelling" on the Harvard Business site, sharing stories in a business setting has the same benefits as so-called "campfire stories. It releases substances such as cortisol, dopamine and oxytocin, which are responsible for preserving memories, regulating emotional responses and promoting empathy. Through storytelling, you can convey your brand values, mission and vision in an authentic way. This allows you to connect with and inspire your target audience. With a DAM system, you can then support your story with the right assets, such as images, videos, texts and audio clips. You can organize, tag and search your content efficiently.
Personal experiences essential for brand trust
In a previous blog, we discussed how user-generated content is the ultimate form of storytelling. Organizations are increasingly working with influencers, which is already a powerful way to build brand loyalty. But it's entirely a dream scenario when happy consumers are willing to share their experiences with your product or service. From unboxing videos to sharing images and writing reviews, user-generated content plays an essential role in building brand trust and credibility.
Always up-to-date, secure and available content
It is important to properly manage this user-generated content as well. What are you allowed to use? What can you use? What formats do you need and can you generate? And how important is timing? Imagine if someone very enthusiastically shares a picture of a dish from your restaurant, it is current now. If in a month that dish is no longer on the menu, sharing that photo at that time is - literally - mustard after the meal. In all these aspects, a good Digital Asset Management system plays a big role.
Take storytelling to the next level
Whether you create your own content or use user-generated content, a DAM system helps you take your storytelling to the next level. It provides the structure and efficiency you need, so you can focus on telling the story you want to share. Across the spectrum of marketing automation tools, a DAM system allows you to ensure that your content is always up-to-date, secure and available, with features such as version control and rights management. This allows you to focus on what really matters: creating great stories that captivate and touch your audience and engage them with your brand.
Getting even more out of your content creation?
Looking for tips to make your online content creation scalable? In our white paper, we give you helpful tips.
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