This is also how you monitor your brand remotely

For anyone at all possible, working from home is currently the watchword. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools to stay in touch with your colleagues and clients. Even Friday afternoon drinks are digitized! But what do you do with your branded content? There's a solution for that, too.

Snail's pace

Has your office been looking so suspiciously like your own home lately? Like many other Dutch people, we too are working from home these days. That requires quite a bit of flexibility, stamina and a different way of communicating, we notice. To keep in touch with colleagues, suppliers, customers and partners, there are tools like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams and Slack. But how do you make sure everyone has access to your branded content if it's still on your corporate server or - more troublesome - on a remote laptop somewhere? While a VPN connection offers a solution, it's often not nearly as fast as you're used to in the office. Frustrating! Unfortunately, we can't control the corona crisis, but we can make working from home a little more pleasant and efficient.

Digital asset management

Image bank, media library, image bank, digital asset management. Whatever name you give it, the challenge is the same for every brand: effectively storing, sharing and accessing your branded content. Our web-based DAM application does away with the search and hassle. You only have one single-source-of-truth and easily share the right content, be it images, videos, documents, communication materials or other brand files. Gone are messy folders, misused resources, complicated distribution and slow connections.

Start today - remotely

Through a few online workshops, we can also set up your environment completely remotely. For the coming period, we are also offering a 10% discount on all our one-time DAM setup fees. So get started today by requesting a personal demo or no-obligation quote.


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