The thorough preparation served us well

Grolsch has been working with a DAM system for years. So the way of thinking is not new to them. But their old application needed drastic replacement. Manon Veldman, responsible for Marketing Resources at Grolsch, went looking for a future-proof system. In this blog she explains why the choice fell on Comrads Solutions.

No longer of this time

Our old DAM system dated back over ten years. It was becoming slower and slower, showing more and more bugs and was simply not up to date. It no longer met our expectations of a DAM system at Grolsch. But how do you choose something like that? In the first instance, I started googling. It turned up a number of potential suppliers, who we invited. We soon had the feeling that Comrads was a good match for us, not only in terms of the solutions they offer but also in terms of their way of working. We were able to speak with a number of Comrads' customers and then the choice was quickly made.

Lots of personal attention

We chose the Digital Asset Management system, including the Brand portal and the Workflow Management module. For our previous supplier, the DAM system was something they did on the side, for Comrads it is their core business. Our question was therefore quite simple for them and their system does exactly what it needs to do. That is very nice, but what we especially liked was the cooperation. Comrads is a relatively small company. That means that there is a lot of personal attention. We were really taken by the hand and guided through the implementation process. Erwin Klinkenberg, the co-owner of Comrads, gave a number of workshops that helped us a lot and Erwin also did not shy away from asking us critical questions about what we had thought up ourselves. This thorough preparation certainly did us good during the implementation.

Bound by rules

Since the beginning of this year we have been live. We have really taken a big step forward in our way of working. The colleagues who use the system only sporadically still have to search for it sometimes, but those who use it more often already feel completely at home with the system. The Workflow Management module is also very nice for us. As a producer of alcoholic products, we are bound by quite a few rules when it comes to our external communication. For example, all our advertising must contain slogans such as "No 18, no alcohol" and "Proudly brewed for you. There are also a number of commandments and prohibitions. An internal committee of five people must approve all statements before they are printed or put online. By e-mail, that's quite a hassle. Now the project owner can see in a row who has approved or disapproved what and why, and the committee members can see at a glance what they still have to do.

Steps forward

Soon we have an appointment with Comrads for an evaluation. We would like to do something more with reports and we could use some tips to make our homepage a bit livelier. For example, it would be nice to be able to show a top 10 of downloads automatically and to highlight some striking or fun things. And we need to get to work on managing copyrights and other author issues. The platform is fully equipped for that, now we have to take a step forward ourselves. But with the help of Comrads we will certainly succeed.


Want to talk further about what a Digital Asset Management system can do for your organization and how to make its use a success? Contact us for a free demo on location. We are happy to think along with you.