Comrads, Digital Asset Management (DAM) for strong brands

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2023, a year of searching or a year of finding?

We all spend a gigantic amount of time searching for files. This can add up to six hours a day. Frustrating for your employees and bad for your organization's productivity and profitability. Even if your marketing department spends only ten percent of its time searching for the right assets for campaigns, this is an extreme waste. Time to do something about this like hell. According to Sebastiaan de Ruiter, those precious hours would be better invested in coming up with new campaigns and successful strategies.

Searching is pointless waste of time and energy

According to a recent article in VentureBeat, a leading source for technology news, employees spend an average of three to six hours a day searching for information. Not only can this be frustrating for employees, but it also negatively affects an organization's productivity. In case you doubt the veracity of this article, from research by market research firm Wakefield Research, more than half of office professionals spend more time searching for files than performing work. Even if you take these sources with a grain of salt, we may conclude that we all spend a gigantic amount of time searching for files. Even if the employees in your most file-intensive departments - marketing and communications - spend only an hour a day searching for files, this is already a huge waste of time and energy.

Exponential increase in digital assets

Whereas a few years ago you might have thought it acceptable for your marketing team to waste so much time searching for files, the amount of content has increased exponentially. And the tools to reduce that search time are far from being embraced by all organizations. At least for most companies, more efficient content creation has not gone hand in hand with the increase in digital assets, such as images, videos, audio files, text and other digital media.

Search inescapable, but optimize the experience

Now in a digital world you may not escape searching for files, but please let's make that search as efficient as possible. I don't know all the website addresses by heart either. Recently I was looking for a new microwave oven, and no: I don't go straight to or to Like everyone else, I take refuge in Google. There's no escaping search, but let's make the search experience as efficient and easy as possible, so that the content you're presented with is actually what you're looking for and that you land directly on the right file.


Is your marketing team still wasting hours and hours with pointless searches? Not one hundred percent sure that what they find are actually the right versions of the right files? Then it's high time to start working like fire with a DAM system so you can spend all that lost time coming up with impressive campaigns and successful strategies. Because with the exponential increase in search time, our clients' attention spans have decreased exponentially. The time in which you have to manage to grab your customer's attention has been minimized. Every minute that a marketer can spend communicating with your target audience in a very targeted way makes money. Hard cash, money, pecunia. Profit, in other words.


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