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Marketing automation with PAM: The secret to efficient advancement in product-driven organizations

As a marketer, you know how important it is to be able to work efficiently with your digital assets and product information, especially if you work in a product-oriented organization. One powerful tool that can help with this is an advanced Product Asset Management (PAM) module. In this blog, Sebastiaan de Ruiter shines his light on the benefits of marketing automation with PAM. He also explains why it is a valuable secret weapon for every (product) marketer.

The challenges of moving forward in product-driven organizations

In product-driven organizations, it is common to work on product development and planning well in advance. Take the fashion industry, for example, where people are already working on the collections for 2024. This means that as a marketer, you need to start planning and preparing your marketing materials early on. But then again, how do you do that when digital files, such as product images, have yet to be created? This can cause delays and inefficiencies in the marketing process.

The difference between DAM and PAM in product-driven organizations

Unlike DAM, where the lifecycle begins when a digital asset is actually uploaded, PAM offers a unique advantage for organizations that work extensively with products. This is because you can deploy PAM much earlier in the process. You do this by using so-called product containers and product data from your PIM or ERP system. This allows you to start marketing material planning at an early stage and create placeholders for future product images.

Moving forward efficiently with PAM in product organizations

With PAM, you can already fill the product containers with the corresponding (technical) product data, such as product names, numbers, descriptions, specifications and other relevant data. This often involves a clever interplay between linked data from your PIM or ERP systems, combined with additional commercial product information. This allows you to prepare marketing campaigns and materials even before the actual products are manufactured and photographed. Once the product images are available, you can easily (automatically) assign them to the correct product containers in PAM. This makes the process more efficient, as you no longer have to manually search for assets and assign them to the right products.

Benefits of working efficiently ahead with PAM

Working efficiently ahead with PAM in product-oriented organizations brings several benefits. First, it allows you to better plan and prepare your marketing campaigns, giving you a competitive advantage and making you more agile as the market evolves. In addition, it increases your marketing team's productivity because they can start early in the process and spend less time searching for and allocating assets manually and last-minute. Finally, your organization truly has a single-source-of-truth and combined with DAM's powerful tooling, your PAM system automatically delivers the right image(s), formats and data for the right channels or partners.  

Distinctive PAM module

At Comrads, we are proud of our unique PAM module as an extension to our Digital Asset Management (DAM) module. In product-driven organizations, where moving forward is critical, our PAM module offers a distinctive solution. By using product containers and product data from PIM or ERP systems, you can work efficiently ahead and optimize your marketing material planning. This enables you to react faster to market developments and gain a competitive advantage.


Do you work in a product-oriented organization and are you curious how your team works more efficiently with your digital assets and product information? Our our PAM module can help you do just that! Does this sound like something your organization needs? Then request a no-obligation demo. Would you like to talk further about other benefits of marketing automation for your organization? That's always possible too! Give a call to (0)20 820 83 82 or mail to We would love to get to know you.