'Comrads makes marketing automation very tangible'

Nerea Zwaan can now look back on five instructive internship months at Comrads. She has seen reluctant clients turn into enthusiastic ambassadors and now knows all about marketing automation. In this article, she and Sebastiaan de Ruiter discuss her insights and best learning moments.

Fresh wind

Sebastiaan: "What I really like is the fresh wind that Nerea has brought. Nice to be able to look at your own organization very objectively through her eyes. What I, with my years of experience in the world of marketing automation, find all very logical, is of course not for everyone. You can wake me up in the middle of the night and without any effort I'll tell you what a DAM system does and why it's important for any self-respecting organization. But what Nerea mentioned earlier, in school you don't learn anything about marketing software.'

The added value of marketing software

'Indeed, that still surprises me,' Nerea adds. 'I have been along to sales meetings and workshops and in the beginning I was really overwhelmed by all the information coming at me. Because of that, I also understand that for many companies it is quite difficult to make the switch and to choose the right system. But by now I am convinced of the added value of marketing software and it's time they started paying attention to that in the training.'

Attention to the client's specific needs and challenges

'Comrads' demos are completely customized and help - potential - customers get a good idea of what a DAM system can bring to them. The demos and workshops really address the organization's specific needs and challenges. We really show how the Comrads applications and modules fit the company's use cases. That's how it becomes very tangible. I saw what happened at the table. Reluctance - is this something for us? - very quickly turned into enthusiasm. A demo like this really makes the system come alive for people.'

Modify Methodology

Sebastiaan: "We are of course very happy that Nerea confirms this. At the same time, it remains difficult at times. Choosing marketing software often involves a very long run-up period that goes by fits and starts. The implementation process takes time and employees have to adapt their working methods. They sometimes have trouble with that.

Nice balance

'I'm glad Nerea has been able to go with me to clients; that would have been different in the corona days. Anyone who knows me a little knows that I would rather get in the car for a customer visit than crawl behind my screen, but that seems to be the new standard. Eighty percent of what used to be face-to-face now goes by e-mail. Practically speaking, Nerea could have spent her entire internship working from home five days a week, but that would have been a lot less fun for her, and fortunately it wasn't necessary. With three days in the office or at clients' locations and two days at home working on her thesis assignment, we have achieved a nice balance.'

On Wednesdays, everyone in the office

'I spent two years at home during my studies because of corona, so in itself I'm used to it. But being at the office is a lot more fun, especially on Wednesdays when all my colleagues are here. Everyone here is very collegial and apart from hard work there is always time for a chat. I have also accompanied Henk on a number of customer visits. Just after the summer vacations, for example, I went along to a demo for a large educational institution. It is great fun to sit around the table with customers," Nerea concludes.


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