Collaborate when distance is desired. It can be done!

Nothing beats personal contact. Looking each other in the eye, getting a sense of the nonverbal communication and sensing the atmosphere is something that online consultations lack. But sometimes you have no choice. With the necessary time and attention from both sides, you can also achieve a good collaboration online, notes Sebastiaan de Ruiter in this blog.

Who writes, who stays

As a marketer today, you are more than busy with your online presence, we at Comrads know all about that. Lead generation, search engine marketing, content marketing and conversion optimization, all things you need to invest in to be found online. This is a process that never stops, because in order to be seen as an authority by Google, you have to keep creating content. With one page on your website about Digital Asset Management, you're not there. It's hard work to become - and stay - friends with Google. But all that hard work eventually pays off, thankfully. For example, we were recently approached through our website by a Dutch organization in the lighting industry, and from that, a nice, open and personal relationship developed.

Learn more about marketing automation

Online contact is often very fleeting. It is very easy to request a price or download a white paper online, but many people are not looking for follow-up contact. We like to engage in conversation, because only then can you really discover whether you can do something for each other. This supplier of various brands of light sources not only requested information via our website, but was also immediately open to a conversation. They indicated that they wanted information about what is for sale in the marketing-automation market and of course we were happy to tell them more about it.

Moving quickly despite distance

I am someone who prefers personal contact, I wrote a blog about that before. Unfortunately, despite frantic efforts on both sides, a personal visit was not possible in this case. The corona measures already made it difficult, but a corona outbreak at both organizations really threw a spanner in the works. An online demo was the only option and I must say that in this case it was a blessing. The marketing manager of the organization involved invited potential future users to the demo, because ultimately the users determine the success of a DAM system. His team was positively surprised by the capabilities of our DAM system, and within a few weeks the collaboration was complete. Despite the distance, we were able to move very quickly.

Time and attention

As a skeptic who prefers to get straight into the car for a client visit, I know by now that you can also achieve great collaborations online. But only by continuing to invest the necessary time and attention and by really listening to each other. Only then can you come to an informed choice and work together for mutual success.

Meet in person?

Would you also like to meet (online) and talk further in person about what our DAM system or one of our other modules can do for your organization today? We always take the time to listen to your challenges and think about possible solutions. So contact us or request a no-obligation demo right away. We like to think along with you. Now and in the future.


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