Comrads, Digital Asset Management (DAM) for strong brands

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The importance of color in your brand identity

Of course, as a marketer, we don't have to explain to you how essential the importance of color is in your brand identity. Color plays a major role in the perception and recognition of your brand. It helps make your brand distinctive and gives your brand personality. In this blog, Sebastiaan de Ruiter discusses the values of color and the importance of color in your brand identity. He also explains why consistent use of color is so important.

The values of color

Let us first look at the values of color: the primal values, the cultural values and the personal values. This immediately shows that color is a very mobile subject, to which it is difficult to stick rules.

1. Primal values of color

The primal values of colors are embedded in man's primal memory. For example, white and black are connected with light and dark, green with nature and life, yellow with the sun and blue with the sky. Red is connected to fire and blood. These general affective responses are the same for everyone and are universal.

2. Cultural values of color

In addition to these primal values, each culture also has its own symbolic values for colors. In Egypt, for example, yellow is the color of mourning, while in Japan it is the color of courage. Orange is the national color of the Netherlands, but in Japan and China, on the contrary, it represents happiness and love. This general sense of color is all about associations. So if you have a national or international target audience, it is important to take this into account. Associations are often wrongly confused with emotions evoked by colors. Emotions are individual and subjective, while associations are much more universal.

3. Personal color values

Finally, there is such a thing as a personal sense of color. Every person is attracted to certain colors, but where that preference comes from varies a lot. I myself like blue very much, although one color of blue is not the other, as I wrote in this blog. Everyone has a preference, of course. The emotions a color evokes are very personal and subjective. Since color itself is subjective, you have a very fluid subject for which there are no rules.

Color in your brand identity: distinctive and recognizable

One of the most important elements in your brand identity is color. Did you know that ninety percent of impulse purchases are determined entirely by color? Color makes your brand distinctive and creates recognition and personality. Consistent use of color in your branding, website, logo and all other elements of your corporate identity is therefore of great importance. Take Comrads for example, where orange is not only used in the logo, but in all expressions and communications. This ensures recognition and makes our brand really our brand.

Colors and color combinations

Not only every color, but also every color combination evokes associations. For example, in the Netherlands today, the rainbow flag is associated with diversity and inclusiveness. We often associate the color red with strength and passion and blue with reliability and calmness. It is therefore important to match the color or color palette to the type of product or service being offered. For example, a healthcare facility is not likely to use bright and aggressive colors, as this does not fit the desired look of calmness and reliability.

Color consistency

Color consistency is an important aspect of your brand identity. That can be quite a challenge in today's digital world. After all, you don't know how someone on the other side of a screen will get your colors. Still, capturing corporate identity colors and deploying clear guidelines can help increase the likelihood that the colors end up with the end user the way you originally intended. 


Want to ensure color consistency for your brand? Our Digital Asset Management and Brand Portal modules can help you do just that! By storing approved color profiles and palettes, users have access to the correct color information. This way you can be sure that the right color is used in all brand elements. In our Brand Portal, you can store color guidelines, including examples. In the DAM system, you can offer logos and images in the right colors or color combinations. This way you can be sure that your brand maintains a professional appearance. Does this sound like something your organization needs? Then check out our Digital Asset Management and Brand Portal modules to learn more!