Here's how to make your brand super recognizable

You know that brand recognition is extremely important. But how do you get that done as efficiently as possible? In this blog, Sebastiaan de Ruiter shares his insights.

Recognizable brand more important than ever

Information overload and increasing competition make a recognizable brand more important than ever. Of course, a strong vision and mission help create distinctiveness. If you know how to stand out, you are recognizable. Yet that is still no guarantee of success. It is a utopia to think that everyone who comes into contact with your brand will think, feel and experience the same thing. That said, it is of course enormously important to protect the recognizability of your brand. You do that by being consistent in all your communications, in every contact moment and in all materials and brand assets that go out into the world.

Start internally

It starts with your own people. Everyone has to breathe the brand story, live it. That's an added challenge in these times of hybrid working. When you used to join a company, you were immersed in the brand story from day one, simply by walking around inside the company walls. Step inside Coolblue' s headquarters in Rotterdam and, believe me, you know you're walking around at Coolblue. With people working from home more often, you already have to put more effort into getting your brand across internally.

Consistency is crucial

Internally, but certainly externally, consistency is crucial. When you're just starting out, this is fairly easy to maintain, but as your company grows, it becomes increasingly difficult. The more people - own employees, but also external people - communicate about your brand, the harder it is to maintain that consistency. Then spreadsheets and local storage media really aren't enough to guard your brand anymore. Before you know it, you are at the mercy of the first person who makes off with your brand. Bummer.

Marketing software to the rescue

Fortunately, there is marketing software. Now the term marketing software is quite broad. Many people think of platforms to communicate on the front end with your target audience - call it your customers, your fans, your brand sponsors or your supporters. Don't forget that there is also software to support your brand on the back end. Software that support all those physical actions needed to bring a brand expression to life. Brand management software helps you increase the recognition and consistency of your brand, which is ultimately the basis for creating a strong and credible brand. It supports your brand managers and marketing teams in protecting your organization's brand guidelines and brand story. Having one central location for creating, storing and sharing brand assets, with both internal and external stakeholders, makes collaboration more efficient and allows you to ensure brand consistency. This keeps your brand super recognizable.


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