How does my team know when we use what image?

When getting started with a DAM system, many organizations get caught in a split. On the one hand, employees want all content stored centrally together; on the other, they tend to keep their own content to themselves. So how do you still make sure your team knows when and where to use which image? By setting an example yourself and starting to share your content! This is how you push your team to create the ultimate DAM environment. And more importantly, an efficient and consistent Brand Management process.

Centralizing versus keeping to yourself

This week I had a conversation with a client about their DAM system. He asked me, "Sebastian, how do I get my team to know when we are using which image? We have conversations like this on an ongoing basis. After all, implementing a DAM system an sich is not in itself sufficient to get your organization on board. Apparently, the human brain is a bit strange. On the one hand, we very much want to centralize everything, but as soon as the tools are in place, everyone suddenly becomes very protective of their own content. We would rather not share it with others. In short: we want our colleagues to share everything with us, but we prefer not to share ourselves.

Diversity in content

How do you overcome that sentiment? Employees have to start feeling the added value. We came across a great example a while ago at a large financial institution. A photo shoot had taken place and all relevant departments had received a WeTransfer link with the images. Nothing was arranged centrally; they all had their own download and thus saved many copies of the same images locally. Unfortunately, there turned out to be one photo that everyone liked, with the result that the same photo of the same woman appeared in all magazines and online publications. Only by offering content centrally and keeping track of which image was used where, will you get more diversity in your content.

Opening up content delivers more than creating islands

That's exactly the mindset an organization needs to move toward. Employees need to start understanding that more good comes from opening up content than if you start isolating and shielding it. If you start creating islands, ultimately no one will be the wiser. You run the risk that content will be used incorrectly, that incorrect versions will be circulated, that content will be unnecessarily recreated because one colleague does not know that the colleague three kitchen tables away is already working on it. That disorder doesn't resolve itself on its own; you need brand management software for that. Once people feel that it takes work off their hands, then that mindset arises where sharing suddenly makes perfect sense.


Do you want to get started with our Brand Management solutions? Wondering how Comrads can support your organization to more efficiently manage, communicate and share all your digital assets, brand files, content and media? Download our DAM guide about the advantages of Digital Asset Management or request a no-obligation demo right away. We like to think along with you. Now and in the future.


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