On to a year of pride and optimism

The holidays are over, and as we slowly get back into the daily rhythm, Sebastiaan de Ruiter takes a moment to reflect. After all, in the madness of the day, it is sometimes hard to see what you have all accomplished together. In this blog, Sebastiaan offers his thoughts on the year behind us and expresses his wish - and his intention - for 2024.

Reflecting on your successes

At the end of December, we took the entire Comrads team to Lisbon for our annual team outing. A great opportunity for all of us to reflect on our successes and challenges of the past year. In the daily hustle and bustle we often forget to reflect on this, but in Lisbon I realized once again how important it is to recognize and celebrate our successes.

Personal attention: the core of our approach

I have written many times before that we as Comrads want to distinguish ourselves with our personal approach, both in dealing with our clients and within our own team. We believe that real change and success can only be achieved through close collaboration and understanding. Our goal is therefore not to be just another IT service provider, but a true partner that thinks and grows with our clients. People are creatures of habit and before you know it, your employees will fall back on their old, familiar folder structure. Only by turning your employees into ambassadors will a technological solution become a success. Even within our own organization we cherish that personal attention. In her blog, for example, Romy talked about how she immediately noticed the special team spirit at Comrads.

A year to pass through a ring

In early 2022, I set a goal of doubling our customer base; we achieved that, thanks in part to that personalized approach. In 2023, we continued that growth. We are grateful for all the new and existing clients who have placed their trust in us. Our clients come from all kinds of industries, ranging from National Opera & Ballet to Lucas Bols and from Zuid-Limburg Bereikbaar to Nationale Vereniging de Zonnebloem. We can be truly proud of what we have achieved as the relatively small player we want to be, and want to remain. It was a year to pass through a ring.

Order in the chaos

If you're still unsure whether or not to get started with DAM (Digital Asset Management), I have news. If you haven't started organizing your files in the past year, chaos has once again increased by at least 20 percent. And it's only going to get more. If you're looking for a partner who won't leave you to your own devices, a nice Dutch no-nonsense club ready to help, then you've come to the right place. If you belong to our family of clients, you can be sure that you will get all the personal attention you need.

Pride and optimism for the future

Even though we live in challenging times, with political turmoil and wars, I choose to stay positive. Let's whine less and appreciate more what we have. I am immensely proud of what our team has accomplished and I eagerly look forward to what this year will bring us again.

We at Comrads wish everyone an inspiring and successful new year!


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