Here's how your DAM system takes work off your hands

Are you actively working on your DAM system in 2021? Do you have control and grip on your files, your corporate identity and your brand consistency? If so, now is the time for the next step.


Once you have your DAM system in place, the real work begins. To build on the benefits and continue to benefit from your digital asset management system, you must continue to devote time and attention to it. Sounds complicated, isn't it. For example, by connecting your DAM system to the ecosystems around it, you create a future-proof system where everything is always findable. And thanks to a good structure and a tight metadata convention, you can also delegate some of your tasks.

Instant access to new footage

Take an on-site photographer, for example. Whether on the other side of the world or at home behind the kitchen table, with an account with the right permissions, a photographer can upload his or her photos into your DAM system immediately after the photo shoot. The photographer can already include - part of - the metadata in the photo, but data that is automatically "included in" the photo, such as GPS coordinates, will also arrive neatly in your DAM system. By deploying a photography workflow, you can decide which of the offered photos you will actually deploy. In the past, you had to wrestle through a disk of five hundred photos; now you have on-the-spot access to all the image material, within the structure you have defined. That saves a lot of time and hassle.

Sharing creations with a click

You can take a similar step if you give your advertising agency access to your DAM system with a guest account or agency account. This way, not only can you share the briefing with the agency, but the agency can also share its creations very easily. From concept to final version, through workflow management you can monitor the whole process. Only when you are satisfied with the result and the linked metadata, you release the file in the DAM system, so that other users can start using it as well. This way, nothing that is not correct goes out the - virtual - door. How nice...


Do you also want to start using our Brand Management solutions in 2022? Wondering how Comrads can support your organization to more efficiently manage, communicate and share all your digital assets, brand files, content and media? Download our DAM guide about the advantages of Digital Asset Management or request a no-obligation demo right away. We like to think along with you. Now and in the future.


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