Comrads, Digital Asset Management (DAM) for strong brands

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How do I create a central place where everything is?

Do you also have countless copies of every product image, in folders, on servers and hard drives? Stop endlessly adding files to your folder structure and start adding structure to your files.

Looking into the eyes

I am convinced that you can also achieve good cooperation online. Nevertheless, I am glad that we can also meet in person again. I particularly like that variety: one day at the office, preferably with lots of people around, and the next day visiting an organization somewhere in the country. There are those who find it inefficient, but as far as I'm concerned there is nothing more efficient than a "live" meeting. Of course there is nothing wrong with an initial online introduction, but just like dating, at some point you want to look each other in the eye for real. Only then do you discover if there really is a click.

Apologies for the brand presentation

Finally, I was on site the other day at a nice organization, a manufacturer of garden furniture. I entered a tremendously sleek showroom. That immediately made me believe that this company was super well organized. But when a ring binder of brochures and project sheets arrived on the table, it was accompanied by excuses: 'We know, we can do better.' A shame, when you have to put a product, a brand, that you are so proud of on the table with all kinds of excuses.

Maze of images

An initial quick count quickly revealed where the crux was. An image is created of each piece of furniture produced, in different color variations. There were as many as hundreds of copies of each image in the organization. On the website, in the webshop, on the server, in the CMS, in Mariëlle's local folder 2021, in Mario's local folder 2022, in Fatima's OneDrive, in brochure x and project sheet y. Then we are only talking about one product. If you look at all the images of the entire assortment, you're talking about a veritable maze. Nobody knows anymore what's where,what the latest version is and whether it's the right quality. Everyone picks the most logical place for him or her.

Working with a single parent file

By working with a system that assumes one parent file, you create a central place for your files. It's a different mindset: you don't add files to a folder structure; you add a structure to your files. Suppose you have an image that fits into both the nature theme and the industry theme. If you think in folders, you should store the image in both folders. If you work with a Digital Asset Management system, you simply add these two themes to the file. That way you always keep working from one parent file and there can never be a proliferation of files and folders. If you change something, you do it in that one parent file. If an image is replaced, you only have to replace that one parent file. In this way, Brand Management software helps you increase the recognition and consistency of your brand and avoids unnecessary searching in chaotic folder structures among hundreds of duplicates and versions.

Want to know more?

Do you also want to stop endlessly adding files and duplicates to your folder structure? Do you want to start adding structure to your files? Then download our DAM guide on the benefits of Digital Asset Management or request a no-obligation demo right away. We like to think along with you. Now and in the future.