This is how Digital Asset Management helps your social media marketing

The popularity of social media is growing and growing. We spend an average of over a hundred minutes a day on social media. So to be taken seriously as a business, you need to play an active role on the social media platforms relevant to you. Posting the right content on the right channel at the right time is hard work for marketers. Fortunately, there are tools that support you in doing so.

Over two hours a day on social media

People between the ages of 20 and 39 spend an average of 138 minutes a day on social media, older people 82 minutes and younger people 156 minutes, according to the Nationale Social Media Onderzoek 2022, the largest trend study on social media use in the Netherlands. Whether it's the big boys like WhatsApp, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn or some smaller platforms like Telegram, Discord, Clubhouse, Reddit and Twitch, we're all scrolling away. To reach your target audience as a company, you have to get your social media marketing right. This presents the marketers of this world with considerable challenges. How do you ensure that you offer the right content at the right time on the right channel in the right format, while at the same time remaining consistent with your corporate identity?

Brands are on 24/7 these days

In a previous blog, we gave tips for making your content creation scalable. After all, today your brand is on 24/7. The days of placing one ad in the newspaper and a variant in the weekly or monthly magazine are far behind us. We at Comrads are primarily active on LinkedIn. When we run a campaign, it's not just one ad, but you have to create at least six variants, all slightly different: texts that appeal to a different target group and images in different formats. Thanks to real-time statistics, you can easily see what works well and what does not work so well. But before you have that insight, you have to format and deliver all the different content. That can be hard work, because the speed at which social media posts are published and consumed is mind-boggling.

Templating approach

Then I'm talking about just one social media channel. Then, if you also post on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Telegram, Discord, Clubhouse, Reddit or Twitch, you have to be very smart about your content. Fortunately, there are solutions for that. A good Digital Asset Management system offers a powerful solution that not only handles the storage and availability of content for you, if you combine DAM with Digital & Print Brand Templates, you can create socio-media posts even faster. With such a template-based approach, you can create exactly the expressions the market demands, while keeping your corporate identity consistent at all times.


Want to learn more about the benefits of Digital Asset Management? Then download our DAM guide. Immediately discover how Comrads can help your brand? Then request a no-obligation demo right away. We like to think along with you. Now and in the future.


Is it a tag or is it a keyword?


The power of a good brand