Here's how to make content creation scalable

Digital transformation is everywhere, including in marketing. The days of turning on the neon lights in the store in the morning and flipping the "open" sign on the door are decades behind us. Today, our priority is primarily online communication and your brand is on 24/7. In this blog, we give you tips to make your online content creation scalable.

Collect your data in one central place

Of course there is still a role for offline expressions in marketing communications of organizations, but the priority is still generally online communication. This applies not only to communicating with your external stakeholders, but also internally. You need to be relevant at all times. Ensuring that all your communications are consistent and that the right message reaches the right target group at the right time is part of this. This is quite difficult, with all the communication channels, systems and apps available today. The mountain of content is growing, but in many cases that content is everywhere and nowhere. There's something in your ERP system, in your web shop, in your content management system and in your HR system, to name a few. If you gather your content in one central place, you ensure that you can reuse your content anywhere and it becomes scalable.

Think across teams

Not only are there a lot of channels and systems, there are a lot of teams working against your content. Before you know it, you have a website team, a web shop team, a brochure team, a billboard team, a shop floor team and a blog team. When you think across teams and put together cross-functional teams, you also make your content much more scalable. Just make sure you don't keep that content in all sorts of folders, but structure it through smart tags (labels) and metadata. In this way, you also prevent digital pollution.


By automating mind-numbing, manual and repetitive operations, your processes become faster and less error-prone. When you deploy Brand Management software, across multiple disciplines, you can be sure that everything is also consistently aligned and used correctly. That way, your employees no longer have to worry about it.


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'Very strange, in school you learn nothing about marketing software'


Brand management, what is it and what to do with it?