DAM for SMEs? Isn't that a bit excessive?

Many SMBs think a DAM system is too high for their business. My business is probably too small. I'll never earn that back. Nothing could be further from the truth. But how do you know you're ready?

DAM system only for big corporates?

In conversations with associates, I find that many business owners are still under the impression that a DAM system is only for large corporates. Nothing could be further from the truth. OK, if you have five employees, OneDrive or Dropbox might suffice. But if, according to the RFO's definition, you fall under small or medium-sized SME, a DAM system can certainly bring you something.

From customization to generic software system

Many software systems once began as customizations. Take the well-known financial applications, but also many CRM systems and the first CMS software, all started as expensive custom systems. Unfeasible for SMEs. But as it often happens with software, it gets developed and evolved and eventually finds its way to the market as a generic package. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is the ultimate form of generic software. You don't even have to install it anymore. If you have an Internet connection, or if necessary a good data bundle, you can already get started.


Most DAM systems today are 100 percent SaaS. Thanks to its low entry threshold, it, like a lot of other platforms, has also become accessible to SMEs. Given that SMBs face the same challenges as large corporates, only perhaps on a slightly smaller scale, that's a good thing. After all, your finance department no longer works with an abacus, either. And your customer data - with any luck - isn't in a Rolodex anymore, either. You just take out an online subscription with Exact, SAP or another SaaS vendor and for a manageable monthly fee you can get started.

Abdominal pain

So today you can also choose to work with a DAM system. Do you experience a proliferation of files, do you sometimes have no idea where you put that one striking photo or that beautiful piece of text? Do you sometimes see social media communications from your company that don't quite - or worse: don't - match your corporate identity? Does coordinating all those marketing jobs, projects and campaigns sometimes give you a stomach ache? Then even as an SME, you know you're ready for a DAM system.


Are you looking for a DAM system that will also make you happy as an SME? Would you like to talk further about what our DAM system or one of our other modules can do for your business today? Contact us without obligation or request a free demo right away. We like to think along with you. Now and in the future.


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