Bright spots in an eventful year

Looking back on the first six months of 2021, I can't help but be super proud. Despite the fact that the market is wait-and-see, quite a few companies do see the added value of digital asset management. Especially in these times. As if that were not enough to be proud of, we are also in the top 5 of Emerce100 when it comes to DAM software companies.

Afraid of bold steps

I am really proud when I see how we have been able to hold our own in the past year, despite the fact that many companies took a step back and did not want to take any bold steps for a while. We have since seen that reluctance fade a bit, and a number of companies have dared to take the plunge with their marketing automation in early 2021 after all.

The story of your brand

In fact, there is a great need to further automate the marketing process, and especially in the area of digital asset management, we see an increasing demand. Not only centralizing your files, but also working with a brand portal is being embraced. Everyone can see in a brand portal what the do's and don'ts around your brand are, and so a brand portal helps you tell your brand's story even better.

Need for DAM in all industries

All of this has contributed to the fact that we have already welcomed a number of great customers at the beginning of 2021. The fact that a wide range of companies from NRG to Staedion and from the Dekker Group, ARAG to the Donselaar Group have chosen us shows that the need for digital asset management is present in all industries. NRG, for example, plays an important role in the research, development and manufacture of nuclear medicines. Staedion is a housing corporation in The Hague. Dekker is active in extracting sand, gravel and clay for construction, landscape development, logistics, soil for redevelopment and concrete. ARAG is a legal problem solver and Donselaar is a specialist in renting temporary accommodation. Wonderful to see so much diversity in our customer base and great that we can help them centralize and automate their marketing processes.

Top 5 DAM software companies

As if all this was not enough reason to be proud, Comrads Solutions is also firmly in the top 5 of the Emerce100 of DAM software companies. With a score of 5 out of 7 stars, we qualified as one of the best DAM companies in 2021. After a year that was a tough one for many organizations, I am happy to share our successes as well.


Also feel like giving your brand a positive boost? We would love to tell you more about what a Digital Asset Management system can do for your organization and how to make its use a success? Contact us for a free demo, online or on location . We'd love to think along with you.


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