Competing? Do so from your own strengths

Last week I had a pleasant and open conversation with a potential client. He was orienting himself on a DAM system and had already spoken with several parties. One of them told him not to do any business with us. I was quite surprised. Competing is fine, but do it from your own strengths. In my humble opinion, slinging mud achieves little. Fortunately, I am not the only one who thinks so. Recently, an article by NOM, the Investment and Development Company for the Northern Netherlands, caught my eye. In it they give five tips for staying ahead of your competitors. Five tips that I agree with, which is why I am happy to share them with you here.

1 It begins with self-knowledge

During our conversation, the prospect I spoke with asked me about our distinctiveness. In terms of technology, DAM systems are very similar. I don't think you can convince a customer with the next trendy upload function. Our added value lies in our personal approach. We look closely at the customer's question, and take them by the hand. This is not a long consultancy process that leads to an expensive out-of-the-box solution. We help our customers quickly set up a turn-key application that still completely fits the organization. We like to move quickly, we listen carefully to our customers and within the possibilities of our system we can respond quickly to wishes.

2 Not the best at everything

The market for DAM systems is quite diverse. And you just can't be the best at everything. You can't be both cheaper and more advanced and faster. Be honest with your customers about that. Some value sophisticated technology more, others are satisfied with a low-threshold entry-level solution. There is room for everyone. I always compare it to the difference between a wholesaler like Sligro and the Keurslager on the corner of the street. One focuses more on bulk, the other goes for the personal touch and the chat at the counter. That is not to say that Sligro's tenderloin is not delicious, but there you have to buy a kilo right away, while you might want two pieces of an ounce and a half. We see ourselves as that Keurslager, here you are not a number at the counter, but you get personal attention.

3 Don't be deterred by competition

You can learn from competitors. Why do customers choose another provider rather than you? That gives you valuable information. Perhaps you can improve your competitive position by entering into partnerships. For example, we partnered with Lukkien, a full service digital agency that excels in content creation. That is exactly what we are not good at, but we are very good at managing content. By working together, we can benefit from each other's worlds and achieve beautiful synergy effects. Our joint clients reap the benefits of this.

4 Enjoy success, but keep moving

What works today may be obsolete tomorrow. That's why you need to know what matters to your customers. After all, alone you go faster, but together you get further, I wrote earlier in this blog. By staying in conversation about each other's future wishes and plans, you will get further together. That's why we always make time for a strategic conversation. Invest in your relationships, keep talking to each other and who knows what surprising twists the future may bring. And if that investment bears fruit, be sure to take a moment to celebrate!

5 Get off your island

For me, this point is actually an extension of point 4: involve everyone - in your organization, your customer base and your network - in your business. Be inspired by the people around you. For example, I was recently inspired by my podiatrist. The personal relationship with employees, clients and partners is a great thing for us, and my podiatrist made that clear to me again.

Criticism or pat on the back?

One of the criticisms the conscious competitor had of us was that we are a small organization. For us it is a very conscious decision to be lean and agile. We can provide the service and personal touch that suits us with generic software and with a very compact team. If that's the criticism, that feels more like a pat on the back to me. After all, that's exactly what sets us apart, and that's why our customers choose us.

A little sparring?

Fancy a quick sparring session to get to know each other better? That's always possible! Feel free to call 020 820 8382 or email


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