Digital Asset Management - Safely into the future with ISO 27001

Certification. It may not be very sexy. Still, we are proud that once again this year our external ISO 27001 audit was successful, and with all of our eight remote locations, we are - yes - ready for a secure future.

Successful audit

At the end of January, we had our annual external ISO audit. And yes, we are proud to mention that we have successfully passed this audit and that, according to our auditor from the BSI Group, we still neatly meet all the requirements around information security, as laid down in the globally recognized ISO 27001 standard. This means that in the coming year we will again be able to offer our clients a high standard of security when it comes to all the assets they entrust to us.

Additional challenges

We are always proud of what we do and how we do it, but all this working from home brought quite a few challenges, especially when it comes to ensuring information security. Do the connections between all the servers meet the right standards, and can our employees' home environments meet them? After all, security breaches can also occur in home environments. The audit showed that, as an organization, we are well equipped to work remotely. And we are very happy with that, because what was born as a necessity has now become part of our new DNA. Even during our recent walking sessions, this was again very evident. Now we can not only make that practically possible, but we can also make it happen with confidence on security grounds. Thus we have indirectly gained eight responsible, technically well-equipped and safe work locations.

Not sexy, but proud

Maybe certification is not very sexy. But it is a way of showing the market that we are doing everything we can to make our processes as secure and optimal as possible. To show that the software we enjoy working on every day meets international information security standards. That we are ready for the future. And we think that's really something to be proud of.


Not only do we contribute with our Digital Asset Management and marketing software to a stronger brand image of our clients, but thanks to our ISO 27001 certification, our (potential) clients also have the assurance that we value privacy and careful handling of business sensitive and confidential data. Please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to discuss further the role and significance of information security for your organization and how we can be a demonstrably reliable cooperation partner.


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