Guarding your brand with AI, future or closer than you think?

At Comrads, we love working on new solutions for clients, working with new techniques and future thinking. This sometimes leads us to ideas that are not yet feasible at this time, with the available techniques, but which do inspire us for the future. In this blog, our developer Nick Haakman tells us what role he sees for artificial intelligence in the world of brand monitoring.

Knowledge Development

As a full stack developer, I am also regularly expanding my knowledge in my spare time. For example, one evening recently I was experimenting with a system that should be able to create summaries of books in the future. The system is not smart enough right now, but it is always interesting to keep track of how it develops. In any case, it got me thinking. What if you could use artificial intelligence to monitor your brand?

Bringing your brandbook to life

Now you may be thinking, huh, guarding my brand with artificial intelligence? How? Well, imagine being able to load the content of your brandbook or brand portal into a system that then checks everything for you. Is the typography correct, the line spacing, the white space, is your logo in the right place in the right color scheme? All parts of your corporate identity, right down to the textual content, are checked by artificial intelligence. So instead of every designer, dtp'er and copywriter having to wrestle through your brandbook, there is a smart system that does that for you and gives you instructions where necessary. This way, your brandbook comes to life, so to speak. An artificial life, yes, but no less valuable.

Future thinking

Guarding your brand with artificial intelligence, unfortunately, we can't offer you yet. But of course, you can nurture and care for all your brand building blocks today with our DAM system. Our Webtop Publish solution gives you one central content hub for all your customer touchpoints, and makes creating your own expressions and publications based on brand templates easier than ever. And our Brand Management module turns your brand management into an interactive and consistent brand experience. That said, we continue to work on new solutions for clients, enjoy working with new technologies, and are always thinking about the future. Before you know it, we'll be that far along.


Want to talk further about what our DAM system or any of our other modules can do for your organization today? Feel free to contact us for a free on-site demo. We like to think along with you. Now and in the future.


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