Comrads, Digital Asset Management (DAM) for strong brands

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Invest in your relationships and build the future

Sometimes scheduling an appointment with a client is not easy. No time, no priority, no need. Yet such a conversation about the future can benefit both parties. Alone you go faster, but together you get further, observes Sebastiaan de Ruiter in this blog.

Sometimes nothing beats personal contact

Recently, in a long time, I visited a client on location. Even though I, like most people, have noticed in recent months that in many cases digital consultation is fine, for strategic meetings with clients and associates, nothing beats 'live' personal contact. Looking each other straight in the eye again, getting the non-verbal communication, feeling the atmosphere, that's what you miss with online consultation.

Setting aside time for consultation

We try to hold such a strategic meeting with our clients at least once a year. Experience shows that some clients find it difficult to make time for this in the agenda, because after all, we work well together, don't we? Yet once again it turned out to be very beneficial for both parties. The client in question was also very enthusiastic about the results of our conversation.

Thinking about the future

If you're ready to automate your marketing operation, a DAM system is often a first step. You start by tidying up your digital closet, which is already a huge step. But to continually increase your clout and get the most out of your marketing dollars, you have to keep thinking about your future. That is exactly what such a strategic consultation is about. For example, the client I visited has now centralized all of its media and made it available via the DAM system. The next step is further optimization, and better integration of their own system and that of their customers. This should lead to an even better customer experience and increased service. By discussing each other's visions and ambitions, it soon became clear that we can provide a good interpretation of this with our DAM integrations and Product Asset Management module. Knowledge and expertise, but also especially comparable customer cases that you have to keep sharing with each other to know what is going on and how you can support each other. The solution is often closer than you think, but sometimes you just forget what else your existing suppliers and partners can actually do.

Stay in the conversation

It is very easy to buy an online application. With your credit card and a few button presses, it's done in no time. But then? Only by staying in conversation about each other's future desires and plans will you move forward together. Is the cooperation going well? Great! Still, my advice is to make time for a strategic conversation, preferably in person on location, but if necessary via video call. Invest in your relationships, keep talking to each other and who knows what surprising twists the future may bring.


Want to talk further about what our DAM system or one of our other modules can already do for your organization today? Contact us without obligation or request a free demo right away. We like to think along with you. Now and in the future.