Digital files in order? Let the fun begin!

We drew the comparison between your closet and the storage of your digital files earlier. If it gets too full, you can create additional closet or disk space, but you can also do some tidying. This will leave those items - clothing items or digital files - that are truly of value. And once you have everything in order, then comes the best part: making sets. From jacket, blouse, pants by color to sleek templates and beautiful campaigns.

You only want to invent the wheel once

Any organization that takes its marketing seriously has digital content in all shapes and sizes; from branding assets such as the logo to product photography and atmospheric content that gives charisma to your company. Of course, you also have composite content: think of a brochure in which certain elements have already been put together. Once you have those brand assets in order and you have good quality images and reusable master files, you can offer your marketing team - the people who ultimately have to work with the content - a very clear palette of elements. With those elements, based on templates, they can constantly create new, unique combinations without having to keep reinventing the wheel.

Template-driven expressions

By working with templates, your team can very easily put together communications that always conform to the corporate identity, without losing the creative process. By making choices from the available digital assets - a photo, a piece of text, a diagram, a logo or another corporate identity element - you create in-house corporate identity-consistent materials for different campaigns, channels and audiences. Whether it's a brochure, a project sheet, narrow-casting, social media or other digital content.

More clout

When you proceed in this way, every expression you create becomes an asset in turn. This not only provides a great source of inspiration, it also makes it very easy to create a new and unique piece of content with a few simple adjustments. This way, you can easily make use of the best practices in your organization, the time to market becomes shorter and the chance of making mistakes decreases. In short: your clout increases and you get the most out of your marketing dollars. Important detail, right?

Want to know more?

Are you interested in creating template-driven expressions? Our webtop publishing solution can help you do just that. It makes the whole process of collaborating, sharing, editing and approving projects easier and more insightful. Feel free to contact us for a free on-site demo. We'd love to think with you.


This is how you bring mass and scalability together, without losing your creativity


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