Making the world a little more empathetic? We are for

Gradually, the world is beginning to look a little like we knew it before the coronavirus outbreak. Traffic is gradually picking up, more and more employees are showing their faces - now and then - at the office, and the sound of an airplane is familiar again. At the same time, a great deal has also changed.

Working from home in the DNA

Working from home has become part of many companies' DNA. At least of Comrads' DNA. While working from home was suddenly a dire necessity as of mid-March, we have since developed a sound and well-thought-out home-working protocol. As of August 1, working from home is our standard. Of course, everyone is free to come to the office whenever it feels more comfortable, and every Wednesday we can be found in the office together. After all, we are like human beings at Comrads, and every now and then we feel the need to see each other, share stories and have an analog joke with each other.

Guaranteed safe

In developing our home work protocol, our availability and service level were naturally paramount. But we also looked closely at the security of our way of working. Whereas we used to deal with one location, we now deal with at least ten locations. Meanwhile, all our remote locations also work according to the ISO 27001 standard and everything we do is done in a guaranteed secure way.

Casting steel in the living room

We also see around us that many organizations are going through a similar transition. Of course, if you work at the blast furnaces, you can hardly start casting steel in your living room. But among office staff, working from home is generally fine. The chat at the coffee machine is missed though, but no doubt employers will find a good solution for that. The functional need to go to the office seems to be a thing of the past. Collaboration platforms abound, and in the areas of file management and digital asset management, our systems are really helping to shape this transition even better.

Marketing reinvented

Another development brought about by the coronavirus is a complete turnaround in the marketing world. In a piece in Adformatie, I read, "When others in your industry put the brakes on their marketing efforts, your brand may actually emerge stronger from this crisis. This is consistent - thankfully - with what we wrote in an earlier blog. Keep investing in your brand and believe in a brighter future. At the same time, brands are expected to become more friendly and empathetic. Consumers will see companies and their brands either as part of the problem or part of the solution. My guess is that you too prefer to be seen as part of the solution. That may mean taking a critical look at your content. Does it all still fit the world of tomorrow, or do you need to start culling and replacing some of it? Chances are it will. And then the circle is back on. Because then make sure your content ends up in a DAM system and not somewhere on a local laptop sitting on an employee's kitchen table. That way, no matter where your employees are working, they can get right to work with the right content right away. On to that bright future!

Need help?

Delivering our system as software-as-a-service. That service goes beyond setting up your environment. Even now we are there for you. Do you need a critical thinker or do you have issues you are not sure about? Pick up the phone and give us a call at 020 - 820 83 82. We are here for you!


Digital Asset Management, what is it anyway?


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