Comrads, Digital Asset Management (DAM) for strong brands

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Building the future bears fruit

Even a strange year has its beautiful moments, we experienced it firsthand. Even if it sometimes seems like the world is holding its breath, under the surface everything is happening. If you keep investing in the future, it will eventually pay off. A matter of patience. And trust.

Movement in entrepreneurial land

In June we wrote that we were slowly seeing some movement again in entrepreneurial country. Businesses that were on the agenda before the corona crisis broke out were being picked up again. We didn't know then that after a few weeks of relative freedom we would be knocked back, but despite that step back, we were still able to note interesting - online - appointments in our calendar with some regularity. That paid off, as we have had some nice successes in recent weeks.

Time to put things in order

Royal A-ware Food Group has specialized in the production, ripening, cutting and packaging of cheese for 125 years and also produces and packages cream and daily fresh dairy products. It is a company with multiple divisions, including A-ware Cheese, A-ware Dairy & Cream, A-ware Tapas and Bouter Group. That brings with it a hefty amount of footage, so Royal A-ware thought it was time - crisis or not - to put its house in order. Of course, we are happy to help.

Living, working and living safely

Safety region Zaanstreek-Waterland is a partnership between municipalities, fire department, police and GHOR that aims to ensure that residents can live, work and work together in a safe manner. The safety organization has a lot of visual material, which is mainly stored locally and whose rights must be monitored carefully. More structure and centralization, as well as the ability to quickly search, find and share consistent media are some of the benefits that our collaboration will bring. Therefore, the region not only chooses our DAM solutionbut also for our Webtop Publishing module.


Vestia Foundation is a large Dutch housing corporation. It primarily rents housing, but also parking lots and commercial spaces. The corporation already had experience with a DAM system, but felt it was time for the next step. The solution the foundation had been using until now could no longer meet the requirements and did not offer sufficient growth opportunities. With the switch to our DAM system, the way is open for future growth and the addition of extra functionalities with our other modules.


We got off to a rock-solid start in setting up the environment for these new clients to our full satisfaction. But we also felt it was important to take a moment to share these successes, especially in this period when it sometimes seems like nothing positive is happening. We are glad that there are parties who share our desire to persevere, even in period of crises. The mutual inspiration has led to some super beautiful collaborations. We are grateful for this and it is also worth saying so.


Also feel like giving your brand a positive boost? We would be happy to tell you more about what a Digital Asset Management system can do for your organization and how to make its use a success? Feel free to contact us for a free demo, online or on location. We'd love to think along with you.