Digital Asset Management for the consumer market

Comrads' Digital Asset Management software has a lot to offer every industry, but especially the consumer market. The software fully integrates with your organization's business processes and is very practical to work with. Digital Asset Management for the consumer industry is therefore time and cost saving as your business processes become simpler and more efficient. Read more about the benefits of a Digital Asset Management software in the consumer industry below.

Consumer industry solutions

The consumer market is an industry overloaded with digital assets, including countless product photos, videos, logos, product information, PDFs, sales materials, socials, event materials and presentations. For example, think about how many product photos are taken of one product and the corresponding product specifications. Then there are also different versions of the same assets by country and language. All in all, it quickly becomes a disorganized and unstructured search for the right files. Without a system to efficiently categorize and make them easily findable, these valuable marketing materials are worth little. Digital Asset Management (DAM) and Product Asset Management (PAM) from Comrads offer innovative solutions!

Manage and share media from one central repository

With Digital Asset Management from Comrads, you manage product and marketing media in one central repository. DAM software helps automate the process of uploading and classifying images. Files are easily categorized and found using metadata, tags and collections. Thus, no time is lost searching for the right photos and this information can be used quickly and easily for marketing, sales and other purposes.

Files can also be safely and quickly shared from this secure environment to internal or external stakeholders, such as for example within the marketing team or to distribution partners, retailers, suppliers and collaborating brands. Through this single source of truth, files are available to every stakeholder in one centralized place. This ensures that everyone, through the cloud-based solution also remotely, has access to the right media within one clear platform.

Brand consistency across all channels

Comrads' advanced DAM system makes it easy to ensure brand consistency across all channels! After all, a DAM system is not just a media library with all brand files, images and product media, but also contains all brand guidelines and corporate identity elements. Digital Asset Management therefore ensures optimal management and correct use of the corporate identity in marketing communications. By always communicating the right marketing media to the customer, brand consistency is strengthened and the customer's digital experience is improved.

Combine product media with product information

A Product Asset Management (PAM) system is also indispensable to the consumer industry. A PAM system is unique because it combines the management of product images with product information, which Product Information Management (PIM) or Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems are often unable to do. In that case, media is often fragmented and duplicated within organizations. Also, a PAM system allows you to create product containers with media, such as photos from future product photo shoots, yet to follow. This allows you to easily and efficiently work ahead.

The unique PAM system integrates with a PIM system to extract all product information from the existing system, such as product names, prices, descriptions, dimensions, colors, etc. This is very efficient when selling products on e-commerce platforms, as this information can easily be added to product pages. This allows for increased productivity and faster response to requests.

By combining the storage of product information and product images, your organization gains total control over all product content and product images are easy to find based on all product information. From initial product specifications to complete product photo shoots; all information, media and content can be managed centrally using Comrads' Product Asset Management (PAM) software.

Product life cycle management

PAM software can specifically help manage the product life cycle, such as by keeping track of when a product is introduced or phased out. This can be important for planning new product lines and tracking inventory.

Search engine optimization and reporting dashboard

DAM and PAM software can facilitate optimizing images for search engines. File names can be easily modified for search engine optimization before downloading. Also, assets can be downloaded in different formats and resolutions without manually compressing them. Optimization of imagery can help improve website findability in searches. In other words, DAM and PAM can make the Web site more findable on the Web.

There are also dashboards available within the DAM and PAM software that show analytics and reporting. This can assist in measuring performance of imagery and in making data-driven decisions.

Faster time to market by efficiently managing product media and information

Thanks to the DAM and PAM systems and streamlined collaboration, a significantly faster time-to-market is achieved. In fact, the PAM software allows this information to be easily added to product pages. The more efficiently managing large amounts of product media and uploading product images and information to sales platforms, the faster the time-to-market.

Not only distributing product media to external parties, but also the company's own marketing communications, on the website or social media, become easier and more efficient. Even for an umbrella company with multiple brands or subsidiaries, DAM and PAM software from Comrads offers the ideal solution to organize, manage and distribute a plethora of product and marketing media.

Digital Asset Management for the consumer industry

A Digital Asset Management system provides structure and clarity by storing all marketing materials, product media and information in one central location. This eases collaboration, allows for faster time-to-market and saves unnecessary hours and operational costs.

Do you want a higher and clearly substantiated Return on Investment (ROI) in both the short and long term? Then a Digital Asset Management system for the consumer industry is a good investment. Comrads' Digital Asset Management platform helps you to increase efficiency within processes, making your assets more profitable and creating new opportunities for your organization.

Find out how DAM can strengthen your brand

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