This is how technology makes content creation easy

As a marketer, you know how important it is to inform, captivate and engage your customers with your brand. To do that, you need good content. But let's face it, creating content isn't always easy. Whether you're creating a blog post, a white paper or a video marketing campaign, there's a lot involved: from coming up with ideas to designing assets and finally publishing content. Thanks to technological advancements in recent years, it is now possible to streamline the content creation process and make it more efficient than ever before. In this blog, Sebastiaan de Ruiter shares three types of marketing software specifically designed to simplify the content creation process.

1. Digital Asset Management software

Digital Asset Management (DAM) software is a tool that allows you to easily store, manage and share digital assets such as images, videos and audio. It helps you save time by making access to the assets you need simple and straightforward. With DAM software, you no longer have to spend hours flipping through folders looking for the right image. Instead, you can use DAM software to quickly search by keywords to find the right assets.

2. Brand Portal software

Brand Portal software is another tool that can help you create content. This software allows you to monitor brand consistency by providing access to appropriate brand guidelines, such as logos and color schemes. Brand Portal software is especially useful for large companies with multiple departments because it allows for a unified approach to branding, regardless of who is creating the content.

3. Fire Template Software

Brand Template software is a tool that can help you create publications that meet your company's branding more quickly and efficiently. Instead of having to work on every (repeat) expression yourself or hiring an (external) designer, internal and external users can create different types of content, such as social media posts, e-banners, flyers or posters, themselves using corporate identity-consistent templates. This not only saves time and money, but also ensures consistency throughout the content marketing strategy.

Focus on great content

With advanced tools like Digital Asset Management software, Brand Portal software and Brand Template software, you can save time and ensure consistent branding. So you can focus on what really matters: creating great content that captivates, touches and engages customers with your brand.

Getting even more out of your content creation?

Looking for tips to make your online content creation scalable? In our white paper, we give you helpful tips.

Want to know more about our solutions?

Then request a no-obligation demo of our Brand Management solutions. Would you like to talk further about the benefits of marketing automation for your organization? Of course, that too is always possible! Give a call to (0)20 820 83 82 or email to We would love to get to know you.


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