Digital Asset Management as the beating heart of your organization

We are from the days of slides and shoeboxes full of digitized CDs and DVDs. In our nearly two decades of experience, we have seen it all. That experience helps us every day to advise and actively help companies to store, structure and manage large quantities of files in a good way. And then preferably from an effectively implemented awareness process, carried out in the same way by all colleagues, so that overview and convenience remain.' Speaking is Erwin Klinkenberg, partner and managing director at Comrads Solutions.

As an onion

'Above all, bringing people into the change is indispensable; it's like that chain and the weakest link. Your system is only as good as the least enthusiastic user. That's why we sit down with our relations several times a year to conduct management reviews. What are they using? What aren't they using? Why not? And shouldn't they be cleaning up again? We peel off the process like an onion, so to speak, with the goal of keeping agreements and their consequences clear and streamlined, so that digital assets can be found quickly for use," says Erwin.

Increase your clout

'After all, when the structure in your company is right, you are able to respond quickly to new developments. This is very important for today's companies. The world changes so quickly, that requires strength. That is why we support an unlimited number of users within our software. When a company or team grows from 10 to 100 users, our price remains the same, unlike many others. Why? We are not going to penalize companies for their success by charging more for the increased user base. That's the opposite world as far as we're concerned.'

More on privacy

In an upcoming blog, we would like to share more knowledge about information security. A hot topic, with all the new privacy regulations. Do you have questions before then? Especially contact us or schedule a free demo. We look forward to hearing from you!


Can you still see the forest for the trees?


Digital Asset Management a separate function? In America, of course...