Comrads, Digital Asset Management (DAM) for strong brands

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The dangers of careless copyright and licensing management: a ticking time bomb

If there is one field of work that is constantly changing, it is marketing. In all this dynamism, try to attract and keep the attention of your target audience. There is a constant battle to create the most impactful digital assets: the most beautiful images, the most dazzling videos, appropriate fonts and spot-on text. With this ever-increasing amount of content that organizations create and share like this, another danger lurks: careless management of copyrights, portrait rights, copyrights and licenses, which can lead to serious legal, as well as reputational, damage. In this blog, Sebastiaan de Ruiter explains what the risks are and how to control them.

Unconscious violations with major consequences

As highlighted many times in Frankwatching, ignoring copyright rules can lead to costly lawsuits, fines and reputational damage. Such problems can seriously hamper your business operations and even threaten your organization's very existence. Now you may be thinking, "So how are they going to police this? Believe me, they will sooner than you think. The big stock photo organizations, photographers and companies like Visual Rights Group are scouring the Internet looking for unauthorized use of imagery. The advent of AI makes analyzing and recognizing data on the Internet ever easier. That said: AI is itself one of the enablers of the problem. Have you ever created an image with an AI-driven image generator such as Adobe Firefly, Dall.E or Getty? In no time, you can put your team on the moon or your product on a billboard in Time Square. Great, but don't use such an image commercially, because you have no idea what images the tool used to compile your material. One thing you do know is that you don't have the rights to it.

The role of regulation and the EU AI Act

This is therefore currently the subject of various - political - discussions worldwide. Not surprisingly, the EU has recently adopted the EU AI Act, which works closely with the AVG (GDPR). This is to, among other things, protect individual rights in scenarios where AI systems use data on living individuals and to ensure secure technical development and deployment of AI systems. This means that organizations must be even more careful with AI-generated content to avoid legal complications.

Unconscious violations with major consequences: a ticking time bomb

The risks of careless license management have existed for years, and with the advent of AI, they have only increased. Many companies do not realize the extent of those risks. Often, employees download, edit and share digital assets without regard to provenance or applicable licensing rules. Before you know it, one of them commits a violation. If discovered, your organization is left with high costs and significant legal problems.

DAM systems: your lifesaver

Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems offer a solution if you are struggling with managing digital assets. With a smart DAM system, you can create a central repository for all your digital assets, giving you easy access to all the information you need. In addition, you can track the license status of each asset so that your users are always aware of applicable rules and conditions. You can also set up license expiration alerts, which notify you in a timely manner when a license is about to expire. In addition, you can give multiple people access to your DAM system, with different privileges to ensure the security of your assets.

The importance of a robust DAM system

By investing in a DAM system, you take proactive steps to prevent copyright infringement and ensure the security of your digital assets. This not only helps you mitigate legal and financial risks, but also contributes to a stronger reputation as a trustworthy and responsible brand. So a robust DAM system is not a luxury, but an essential tool for companies that want to thrive in this digital world. It provides the peace of mind you need to continue your marketing efforts with confidence, knowing that your digital assets are secure and compliant.

Take action today

Choose both efficiency and peace of mind in managing your digital assets. With our Digital Asset Management system, arm yourself against the dangers of careless copyright and licensing management! Protect your brand, minimize risk and ensure a consistent and reliable brand identity. Does this sound like something your organization needs? Then request a no-obligation demo. Want to talk further about other benefits of marketing automation for your organization? Of course, that too is always possible! Give a call to (0)20 820 83 82 or mail to We would love to get to know you.