Crisis? Time to strengthen your brand

With our vaccination program finally well underway and further easing (and hopefully nicer weather) forthcoming, entrepreneurs are becoming increasingly optimistic about 2021. You may dare to cautiously set visionary goals and dream big again, but relying on success has also become a challenge. Many companies are fighting for survival and have become afraid to take bold steps. But perhaps this is the time to rewrite the rules and stop settling for less in your business. No, you cannot escape global and economic uncertainties, but you can make your business resilient enough to meet these challenges. Now is your chance to pull your business toward success. Wondering how? A few tips to strengthen your brand.

1. Work on your culture and internal branding

What is the state of your corporate culture? Are groups of people now scheduled to come back to the office or will the majority continue to work from home even after the relaxations? Either way, the work-at-home culture can get in the way of your corporate culture ugly. Home workers are more concerned with getting the work done and less concerned with communicating the company vision and culture. Fancy office location and meeting rooms with baristas have given way to blurry work rooms and kitchen table conversations with no brand identity. This topic actually deserves a blog an sich, but inspiring your remote employees to (continue to) carry out your culture and branding requires a different form of management. Don't wait to invest in this, because appropriate leadership can really strengthen your company and therefore your brand.

2. Embrace change

Cliché, I know. Change is inevitable in business. But the past period has probably given you many valuable insights about the inefficient sales calls and time-consuming communication processes before 2020. Don't ignore this and don't fall back to the "old" way of working later. Install software and tooling now for sales and marketing, for example, to save your employees from repetitive tasks and searching for files and materials. Remember, automation is not a magic solution, but it can make your business more resilient by reducing the likelihood of errors and increasing your brand consistency.

(Re)invest in your brand 3.

Over the past period, you've probably been so busy increasing sales that you may have forgotten about branding. In today's dynamic world, branding is the foundation of successful businesses. Do you know how to create brand value? It is the power of your company's logo, name and reputation - its intangible assets. It is sometimes difficult to understand the importance of branding in this digital world, but consider brands like Starbucks, Red Bull and Google, because these brands involve much more than coffee, energy drinks and Internet search. Consider reinvesting in your brand to strengthen your brand image. On to greater market share!


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Bright spots in an eventful year


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