Is your DAM a zombie?

I recently read an article on the site of Digital Asset Management News about how to keep your DAM system alive. An article after my own heart, of course. We've written about this ourselves, but I'm happy to share the three main points that indicate your DAM system is starting to languish. And what you can do about it!

1. Decline in user acceptance.

The first symptom that may indicate that your DAM system is headed for the land of the living dead is a decline in user acceptance. Keep a constant eye on the ratio of active users to registered users. If you see user acceptance declining, you need to take action. Send regular updates about the DAM system to users, highlighting new tools and features, and sharing tips and tricks for using the DAM system.

2. Your DAM system is not - anymore - the single source of truth

Also, regularly check that your DAM system is still really the only place users go for your branded content. Are users resorting to Dropbox or Google Drive to store and distribute files? Then your DAM system is undermined considerably. Because a DAM system is substantially different from any cloud storage. Perhaps now is the time to once again explain to your users that a DAM system provides structure and quality, ensures that you can find what you're looking for, and allows you to share files with appropriate access rights. Things you don't achieve with WeTransfer or OneDrive.

3. Your systems are not - or not optimally - integrated

Another reason that rigor mortis can set in with your DAM system is poor integration with other systems. If you have a brand portal, make sure it integrates seamlessly with your DAM system and also link your CRM system and product or text databases. Optimize the management and coordination of marketing projects and campaigns by capturing everything in a central communication platform, from briefing to internal and external collaboration, from editing to approval, and from ordering to archiving.

Engage in conversation

Keep your DAM system alive by applying good marketing internally as well. Give your DAM system the attention it deserves and keep getting people excited. This is exactly why we like to have conversations with our clients about each other's future needs and plans. By investing in mutual relationships and talking to each other, the future of your DAM system may look brighter than you think.

Start today - remotely

Through a series of online workshops, we can also set up your environment completely remotely. In the coming period we will offer creative solutions for the one-time DAM set-up costs. So get started today by requesting a personal demo or no-obligation quote.


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