We get this feedback from our customers....

When clients have been on the road with our system for a while, we naturally evaluate. During client evaluations, we often get back the following as feedback

Clean up

Remember in one of our previous blogs when we talked to you about rearranging your closet? We concluded that just sorting through large amounts of clothes (at least in our metaphor) is often insufficient. If you really want to tidy up, you will have to come clean and assess per item whether it still makes sense to keep it. However, what most people (read: companies) do is drive to a large Swedish department store and buy extra storage space in the form of cabinets or boxes. You can guess the consequence: if the basics of tidying up are not right, because unnecessary objects are not removed, then, of course, rearranging and maintaining structure will never work. After all, everything stands, or falls, with a good foundation.

Beautiful metaphor

This is exactly how it works with managing and retrieving your files within your business environment. The feedback and questions we often get during evaluations are about how do you manage to get the start of Digital Asset Management really right, so that in a few weeks, months or years you don't have to start all over again because the structure is missing? In our opinion this is a fair comment, because in the Netherlands we are very down-to-earth, we think or we are expected to think that file management is something you can do on top of your normal work. The importance of making time for Digital Asset Management is not always recognized. In America, as we mentioned earlier, having a job as a Digital Asset Manager is now the most normal thing in the world. But we Dutch, with the attitude of do-but-just-because-then-do-you-already-crazy-enough, don't really want to adopt it yet.

Practical Tips

We have all kinds of tips and answers to this most frequently asked question and one of them is: chop this project, in which you want to get serious about professional file management, into small pieces, then it doesn't feel so big right away and it becomes more approachable to get serious about it. But on the other hand, also just roll up your sleeves, because just buying new boxes and filling them (virtually) makes little sense, of course. That really won't make the boxes any emptier in the end and, from a business perspective, your processes and the flow among your staff certainly won't improve.

Any questions before then?

Please especially get in touch and challenge us with the above question, feedback or other issues. We are ready for it.


Success of your DAM is partly determined by metadata conventions


How secure are your files with your IT vendor?