Too much stuff or digital files: buy more storage or clean up?

'If your closet gets too full, you can do two things: buy a bigger closet or clean out your clothes.' This is exactly how it works with companies that buy larger and larger digital storage to keep storing their files. While it works much better to seriously clean up and then rearrange everything from scratch," says Sebastiaan de Ruiter, partner and managing director at Comrads Solutions.

Different view

'Of course that requires a different way of looking at things, because people and companies tend to continue in the same old way. After all, that feels familiar. However, the fact is that this does not address the problem head-on. So buying a new storage system is only half the solution. Change requires a new way of thinking. It has to do with clear protocols and redesigning your metadata structures, keywords and permissions. But also terms like tags and tagging, setting up relevant categories and working from the cloud are all part of it.'

Make clear agreements

'Once you have cleaned up and redesigned all your media files, management and maintenance is key. Because all it takes is one colleague or user to do a search that is not found and people shout 'see, it doesn't work.' Digital Asset Management is a serious business. And that goes beyond Jan-who-precisely-know-where-everything-is within his personal folder structure. Because if that dear Jan is retired, finds a new job or becomes long-term sick, then you do have a problem.'

Talk through

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Digital Asset Management a separate function? In America, of course...


Hey marketing manager, how well do you actually manage your digital assets?