How to switch faster with your webshop

Online sales are becoming increasingly important. But to be successful, your online shop must have an irresistible appearance and offer your potential customer a digital experience, consistent across all channels. With a product asset management module, you make your life a lot easier and score faster at the moment suprême.

Visibility is key

Fierce competition and changed customer behavior can create gray hairs for entrepreneurs in the fashion industry. The economy is doing well, but whether you manage to profit from this in the clothing industry depends on how visible you are. This is according to research by ABN AMRO and Locatus. Visibility can be literal visibility: are your stores in an appealing location or not? But that visibility can also be reflected in an attractive website.

Online irresistible

Online sales in the apparel industry are growing rapidly. As much as fifteen percent of turnover comes from online sales, and clothing sales via the Internet are also expected to grow rapidly in 2019 and 2020. However, it is of course very important that your online shop has an irresistible appearance, that you address your customers in the right way with your texts, that your visitors can see your collection from all sides and experience it digitally, and that you do this consistently across all channels: offline, online, your own webshop, but also in the webshops of partners.

Other approach

A digital asset management system helps you manage and ensure the quality of your digital files. But a digital asset management system starts from your digital file. After all, without digital files no DAM, it's as simple as that. In many industries, such as the fashion industry, life gets a lot easier with a system that puts the product first. Every piece of clothing - but also think of the latest smartphones and watches or the bag of chips in the supermarket - is photographed and filmed from different perspectives and in different positions, sizes and colors to deliver that digital experience to the visitor. You yourself also want to look at your potential new purchase from every possible angle at home on the couch, on the train on the road or in the dentist's waiting room and zoom in on every detail before making your purchase. That means that there are a lot of files belonging to the same product that will also be - almost - the same in terms of metadata. And that requires a slightly different approach than a DAM.

Not the file, but the product central

By adding a product asset management module to your DAM system, your product becomes the starting point. To that product you can link countless product photos, mood images, videos, text and other content types, as well as product specifications such as product numbers, item codes, technical data such as weight, color, dimensions, sizing and manuals. Whatever a potential customer might want to know about your product, you can link to it that way.

Gradually replenish on to score the moment supreme

You can always add to that information. You know a new collection with new products is coming, but before you have all the media and information available, a lot of water will flow down the Rhine. With a product asset management module, you can keep adding new media and new data to your product until the final garment is actually photographed. Because, of course, it can't be photographed until it actually rolls off the sewing machine. So that means you can prepare everything and be in top condition at the starting blocks to communicate quickly and consistently at the moment suprême. That way, as a marketer, you are not behind the times, but ready to score.


Would you like to talk further about what a the product asset management module can do for your organization? How to use the PAM module as a hub for direct linkage and communication with your internal systems, webshop(s), publishing tools, partners and suppliers and how to make it a success? Feel free to contact us for a free demo on location. We are happy to think along with you.


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