Brand management. This is how to regain structure from chaos

A strong brand is more important than ever. It helps you stay ahead of competitors and create an emotional connection with your customer. In short, a strong brand brings you distinctiveness. Yet many organizations struggle to properly organize all their brand elements. In this blog, Sebastiaan de Ruiter explains how to bring order back to chaos.

A little in love

A strong brand identity creates loyal customers, has a positive effect on your reputation and helps you stand out from the competition. So you need to nurture that, according to Seth Godin, American entrepreneur, author and speaker. Godin has written several bestsellers, including "Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable. In that bestseller, he emphasizes the importance of a strong brand. He argues that organizations should strive to create a "purple cow": a product or service that is so striking, unique and strong that it naturally goes viral and people start talking about it. If you do it right, customers will even fall a little bit in love with your brand. This is how an organization stands out from the competition and can build a strong brand identity.

Your brand story must be consistent

But to create that strong brand, you have to make sure that every utterance you make is consistent. Only then will your brand be super recognizable. Whether you communicate via LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, a recruitment platform, your own website or internal communication channels, your brand story must always be the same. A wrong tone-of-voice, an old logo or a picture that doesn't fit at all? Above all, that shouldn't happen to you too often. Yet we still hear many marketers sigh: how do we get structure in the chaos? For example, stichd, after a period of considerable growth, was struggling to manage their content properly. Huub Sijbers, former Business Consultant at stichd, explained in an earlier article that they often had no idea where exactly a piece of content was all stored and what the latest version was. By replacing their wood-panel solution with a good digital asset management system, they created order out of chaos. Because by having one central location for creating, storing and sharing brand assets, collaboration becomes more efficient and you can ensure brand consistency. That way, your brand story will also remain a consistent brand story.

Are your digital assets still chaos?

In our white paper, we talk more about the connection between your brand identity and digital files and how to gain competitive advantage with DAM software.

Want to know more about our solutions?

Then request a no-obligation demo of our Brand Management solutions. Would you like to talk further about the benefits of marketing automation for your organization? Of course, that too is always possible! Give a call to (0)20 820 83 82 or email to We would love to get to know you.


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