Without a strong brand story, you won't get anywhere

Consumers are becoming increasingly critical and look beyond the features of a product alone. That is why it is crucial for an organization to have a good brand story. Your - potential - customers want to know what your brand stands for and what it means to them. A strong brand story helps to create an emotional connection between the brand and people and distinguishes your brand from your competitor's. In this blog Sebastiaan de Ruiter explains how marketingautomation helps you create a strong brand story.

Bombardment of advertisements

A strong brand story is more relevant than ever before. We all know that as consumers we are constantly bombarded with advertisements. You only have to think about making a purchase, or it already comes along in your Facebook timeline, in your mailbox or before watching a YouTube video. It is almost impossible to stand out purely on product features. You have to really touch your potential customer with your brand story. That emotional connection makes all the difference.


The Oxford College of Marketing even talks about Brand-storytelling: a strategy that helps you create an emotional connection with your target audience. You do that by telling your story - who you are, what you do, why you do it and how you help people. You do that through a whole range of digital channels, and who knows, maybe on TV, in the newspaper or on a billboard along the highway. Telling such a brand story helps you evoke emotions in your target audience and establish a relationship. It makes your brand more human, allowing you to build more authentic connections. When people connect with your brand on a personal and emotional level, it positively affects their brand loyalty.

Essence of marketing not changed

The essence of marketing is really no different than it used to be. Just look at Old Spice, a brand that goes way back, to the 1930s. For those unfamiliar, Old Spice is a physical care product line that includes deodorant, body wash, hair and beard care. The brand story? Old Spice won't turn your man into the perfect man, but it will make him smell like the perfect man. That it still works is evidenced by the fact that in the U.S., Old Spice's brand awareness is a whopping 88 percent.

More complex to establish consistent brand story

So the fact that you have to tell a brand story has not changed substantially, but it is more complex to tell a consistent brand story. Whether you tell your brand story through two channels or ten makes quite a difference. Moreover, once you were on the radar of your target group, you didn't disappear that easily. The amount of noise people were exposed to was much less than nowadays.

How can marketing automation help create a strong brand story? A strong brand story is consistent. That's where marketing automation comes in. By giving all your marketers and external parties access to the correct and most recent images, videos, text and other communication materials and brand files, you keep control of your brand identity. Moreover, you always have all your materials available in a central location. So you no longer spend time searching and correcting, but can finally take the time to think creatively again and brainstorm with your colleagues about new successful campaigns. The work you were born to do as a marketer....


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