Looking back on a year of transitions

At the end of 2021, Sebastiaan de Ruiter wished everyone a sporty, entrepreneurial and resilient 2022. Resilient 2022 certainly was, from one transition called corona, we went into another transition, that of the energy crisis. Again, that brought a lot of excitement, but fortunately there is also still plenty of activity around us. In this blog, Sebastiaan looks back on an interesting year and wishes everyone a 2023 full of personal and business energy.

Not all answers to questions yet

The year behind us was an interesting one. One transition flowed into the next, starting with the expiration of the last coronagraphs in March. We are far from having all the answers to the questions you have as an organization - if you ever do - but we are seeing healthy activity. Personally, I have become a lot more positive about working from home and virtual meetings. Even though I still prefer to look my interlocutor in the eye, I'm glad that doing business online is also paying off. That knowledge gives me peace of mind and I look forward to an energetic 2023 with fewer energy woes.

From the pandemic to the energy crisis

It was a year in which we were actually mostly trying to figure out what our "new normal" is, as Comrads. I have to conclude that even at the end of 2022, I still hadn't quite figured it out. Which way we move as a world is now mostly determined by the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis. The pandemic has all but faded into the background and we are already under the impression of a solid ordinary flu. As long as your coronary test is not positive, you can be fine among people again today with a cough and a snotty nose. And even though a large group of people really enjoy working at home, we are also suddenly seeing people moving to the office again. Anything to be able to turn off the heater at home. At Comrads, there are days when we have the full team in the office and there are days when the office is almost empty. I'm still not quite sure what I think about that. What I do know is that for the first time in my life in the office, I am turning off the heater when the office is empty.

Stagnation is decline

Fortunately, all of entrepreneurial Holland is playing with the same issues and it doesn't stop us from doing business. Standing still is going backwards, we realize that all too well. Most organizations now also see that there must be a place for marketing automation in every self-respecting organization. This has resulted in a wonderful number of new customers. In an average year, we add five to seven new customers; in 2022, that number doubled. Of course, we are enormously proud of that. Proud of our new clients, but also proud that we as an organization have remained true to ourselves and our existing clients over the past year, despite everything. We have proven in recent years that we know how to help our clients even in difficult times and that we are always willing to look for appropriate solutions together.

Believe in a personalized approach

That belief in a personal approach has resulted in that nice list of new names. For example, our first real American client has signed, indiGO Auto Group, unique for a party like Comrads that focuses primarily on the Dutch market. But we also welcomed Bron Jewelry, a Schoonhoven-based company, Dutch at heart. In addition, as an Amsterdam-based company, it is also very nice to be able to credit city names like Madame Tussauds, The Amsterdam Dungeon and This is Holland - although part of an international chain -.

Optimize marketing

Because of inflation and the energy crisis, we see nonprofit organizations struggling to retain donors and recruit new ones. That means they have to work even more efficiently than they already did. Don't shoot with hail, but target in a targeted way. This is where a DAM system helps, as discovered by, for example, Prinses Beatrix Spierfonds and Stichting DierenLot. This is of course not very different for a non-commercial project organization like Ons Brabant Fietst. I find it extraordinary that we as Comrads can contribute to the fact that these organizations can optimize their marketing and therefore remain successful.

Putting out flowers

Once again, I am very proud of our beautiful company, our clients and of course our team, a wonderful group of people who work very hard behind the scenes for all these organizations. So to close out 2022, in mid-December we had a wonderful time - without mouth guards and other restrictions - in Paris. We spent the holidays with family and other loved ones and are once again ready to help organizations overcome content and media chaos in 2023.


Again, you're the one defining your content marketing strategy for 2023, but Digital Asset Management can help you more easily fill out your strategy. Curious? Then request a no-obligation demo of our Brand Management solutions. Would you like to talk further about the benefits of marketing automation for your organization? Of course, that's always possible too! Give a call to (0)20 820 83 82 or mail to info@comrads.nl. We would love to get to know you.


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