Are you simmering on or preparing for a bright future?

Managing your brand content remotely can be a challenge. Does that challenge deter you and would you rather wait and see what the future holds? Or do you rise to the challenge and make sure you're fit for an undoubtedly brighter future? It's up to you.

Cabbing or mucking out?

In our previous blog, we discussed how, even remotely, you can effectively store, share and manage your branded content. Yet this is not yet obvious to every organization. Some companies dare to take little action during this period of uncertainty. Their thinking is: the need for a good DAM system has been around for so long, we'll just babble on for now. But we also talk to companies that think this is the perfect time to clean out their imaginary filing cabinet and make sure they are ready for the future.

Until further notice

While working from home was a bit uncomfortable for most people at first, by now we are used to children dancing through the Skypecall and we know how not to sit in front of the webcam. You would expect that doing business remotely would also be commonplace by now, but for many people that is just a step too far. We prefer to wait and see, until Rutte's now famous 'further order'. But when is 'further order'? Is it just before the summer vacations, when we don't do much anyway? And what do we do after the summer? Wait until Christmas? Meanwhile, we slowly disappear from the radar of our target audience.

Continue to invest

The other day I heard someone very aptly say, "Most decisions in companies are made in the corridors, and there are none now. That is indeed how it is. We no longer walk up to each other after a meeting, we no longer meet our manager at the coffee machine or our colleague at lunch. Therefore, few knots are made anymore and we feel that in the business. But at Comrads, we have decided to keep investing in ourselves. We continue to do business, including remote, and even do more marketing than before. Because we do believe in that bright future. We want to stay on the radar of our target market and not discover in June, July, after the summer or at Christmas, if necessary, that we are behind the times.

Create a digital coffee moment

These times call for creative solutions. This year's budgets have been earmarked anyway, do something with them that makes a lot of sense. Do you, like us, save costs by no longer driving from client to client in the car, holding workshops and meetings via video tools, Whatsapp with your staff and keep your public transport costs in your pocket? Do something with it that makes a lot of sense. We won't find your supporters at the coffee machine right now, but nothing is stopping you from creating a digital coffee moment and making some decisions. So that your brand also has a bright future.

Start today - remotely

Through a few online workshops, we can also set up your environment completely remotely. In the coming period we will offer creative solutions for the one-time DAM set-up costs. So get started today by requesting a personal demo or no-obligation quote.


Does your content still fit the world of tomorrow?


This is also how you monitor your brand remotely