Four marketing automation skills no marketer should miss

It is not news when we say that technology has changed the world. Consequently, the demand for online marketers is growing steadily. All the stranger that marketing courses at colleges and universities pay no attention to marketing software. In this blog, we zoom in on four skills that we think should be part of every marketer's palette.

1. Multidisciplinary collaboration

Whereas marketing and sales used to be really separate disciplines, in the world of online marketing the two worlds have become much more intertwined. Marketing is jointly responsible for lead generation, which in turn feeds the sales department and vice versa. That means good collaboration is more important than ever. If you don't collaborate through the right online platforms and think you can get by with a nice little spreadsheet and some scribbling on a whiteboard, you'll be disappointed. For example, we use HubSpot, a platform that supports organizations with automating marketing and sales activities as well as customer service and CRM.

2. Automating processes and workflows

The way of communication is becoming faster and faster. An action by a potential customer must be followed by an immediate response, otherwise you are immediately 1-0 behind. If someone from your target group downloads a white paper, of course an automated process has to start immediately and in the right order. For example, if we send a blog out into the world, there is also an automated workflow behind it. It's not like someone is typing a blog in Outlook and then adding hundreds of email addresses. You have to have these processes in order and record them in unambiguous workflows. After all, these processes have a significant impact on the customer journey and customer experience throughout.

3. Interpreting data

Of course, a marketer is not a data analyst, but you have to understand something about all the marketing data that flies around your ears these days. CTR, CTO, CPS, CPM or CPC, open rate, bounce rate, it's helpful if you can interpret that kind of data and know what it says approximately. Only then can you judge whether you are targeting the right audience, whether you have set the right targets and whether you are spending too much - or too little - money. So marketers must have a basic understanding of data analytics to successfully use automation in their marketing efforts.

4. Content creation

ls you finally have multidisciplinary cooperation, have automated your processes well and know how to interpret your data correctly, there is always something like content creation. A great automated process that throws worthless content into the world will not get you very far. If you get a whole caravan of potential customers to download your white paper, but the content is so worthless that nobody wants to do business with you, what good is that? Good and consistent communication, in the right corporate identity, with the right images and the right tone-of-voice, can only be achieved with good support from professional marketing tools such as Digital Asset Management (DAM).

Worth gold

These four skillsets are indispensable today, but marketing courses still pay far too little attention to them, is also the experience of our intern Nerea. And yet, in today's tight job market, you are worth your weight in gold as a marketer if you can master these skills. Good software can help you.


Would you like to experience how simple Digital Asset Management, for example, really is? Then request a no-obligation demo of our Brand Management solutions. Would you like to talk further about the advantages of marketing automation for your organization? Of course, that's always possible too! Give a call to (0)20 820 83 82 or mail to We would love to get to know you.


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