"Do I really need a DAM system?

If you share files via Dropbox, OneDrive or WeTransfer you not only lack structure, it can also be - unintentionally - very unsafe. A shift key pressed a little too long or an uncontrolled swipe, and your entire folder falls into someone else's mailbox. Whether you really need a Digital Asset Management system system? Seems like an open door to me.

Recognizable material at the demo

I wrote in a previous blog that when I give a demo, I like to do it with "real" footage of the organization in question. After all, that makes such a demo a lot more appealing to the imagination. Sometimes I search for images online myself, but then of course it is possible that there is a file that the organization is not very happy with. That's why I sometimes ask my contact person to send me some digital assets. This was the case last week.

Sensitive information via WeTransfer

I was very neatly sent a WeTransfer file. I already noticed that it was a huge zip file, but of course that is possible. Unsuspectingly, I unpacked the file and to my horror I saw that - in addition to about ten images - it contained all sorts of private documents. Needless to say, I immediately deleted the entire folder and asked for a new file. But that does immediately answer the question, "Do I need a DAM system?

Clear file sharing, including proper access rights

Sharing your files via Dropbox, OneDrive or WeTransfer not only lacks structure, it can be so - unintentionally - very unsafe. All you have to do is accidentally hold down the shift key and an entire folder goes over the line. If you want to share files with proper access rights, and if you also think it's important that it's secure and well-organized, then it's smarter to choose a DAM system.

Content control

Of course, you can also drag your MyDocuments folder into a DAM system, but then the contents of that folder will not fall directly into the mailbox of an inadvertent third party. Someone always has to check the content, meta-data has to be added to the content, and usage rights have to be determined. Before such an asset is shared, someone will have discovered that something has gone wrong. Accidentally share the wrong files? That won't happen to you anytime soon with a DAM system!


Want to talk further about how our complete Digital Brand & Asset Management solutions support your organization in efficiently managing, communicating and sharing all your brand elements, logos, fonts, colors and guidelines? Feel free to contact us or request a free demo right away. With recognizable content!


Towards a sporty, entrepreneurial and resilient 2022


Are your digital assets still chaos?