The magic word of 2021? Content

Did we have the quiet hope en masse that on December 31 at the stroke of midnight the world would magically suddenly look different, unfortunately that was not the case. The fact remains that a whole new year lies ahead of us, full of new opportunities. We wrote about the pitfalls of 2021 before, but what promises does 2021 bring? One thing is certain: content is - still - the magic word.

Overdue reading

The Christmas recess was a great time to catch up on some overdue reading. On Frankwatching, one of my favorite sites, I read an interesting article about the 4 B2B marketing trends to consider in 2021. What stands out first is that despite budget pressures, a whopping two-thirds of CMOs say they will invest more, and primarily in marketing technology. Looking at the other trends, it is clear that the role of content is only increasing.

Sales technology

Had we massively hoped that the world would suddenly look different on the first morning of the new year, unfortunately that was not the case. It is expected to take some time before our lives will look again - more or less - as we were used to. Reason enough for companies to investigate whether we can continue to evolve digitally. For example, we see in the article in question that sales technology is booming. Here again, content plays a big role. It turns out that the average sales professional uses only a third of the content generated and available by marketing. This is a great shame, because this content - if focused on the sales process - is ideal for use in quotations, online presentations and sales conversations.

Personal video

The use of personal videos and online demo videos in the sales and marketing process is also a trend we are going to see in 2021. Again, content. This content must also be consistent with the house style and have a safe place so that it is always available and can be used whenever and wherever necessary. If everyone stores their personal videos on a personal hard drive, you will end up with a mountain of content that no one will be able to find.

Good management

In short, if you consider all the trends correctly, it's mostly about content, personalized or otherwise. That content is worth gold, but at the same time can be a headache, as we described in our blog about the pitfalls of 2021. Do you also want to make a difference in 2021 - without headaches - with content, be able to do more with less budget and digitize even more? Then make sure you can manage your content well, that you send out a consistent message and that your processes run as smoothly as possible. If you plan to invest in good content creation, good content management and modern marketing technology, then Digital Asset Management should not be missing from CMOs' 2021 technology budget.


Want to talk further about how our DAM system or any of our marketing modules can support your organization with content management, consistency and automation? Feel free to contact us or request a free demo right away. We'd love to think with you. Now and in the future.


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