Personal leadership, this is what it brings

Sometimes something happens to you that makes you rethink why you value life so much. Even something as simple as a chat at the podiatrist's can get you thinking. About the value of personal entrepreneurship, for example.

Unexpected angle

Earlier this week, I had a conversation with my foot doctor. However, that gave him more information than I could have imagined. He explained to me that he can often tell where possible "pain points" are by the change in people's posture in such a seemingly innocent conversation. Those pain points, in turn, can have a negative effect on the body. He couldn't tell anything like that from my way of talking, he said, "I think you are positive in life and also entrepreneurship brings you energy above all. That's funny, to get that confirmation from such an unexpected source.

Getting to work with a big smile

So as I sat in the car heading home, I realized that even in a year like 2020, which did bring its challenges, I am a content entrepreneur. Of course there are things I don't like - video calling is one of them - but in general I go to work in the morning with a big smile. But what is it that makes me love entrepreneurship so much?

Personal entrepreneurship

One of the things I value very highly is the personal way we do business at Comrads. Even in today's world of tough competition, that personal relationship with employees, clients and partners is a big deal to us. At Comrads, you are not a number. And that's not something we shout out loud, but something we propagate in the way we work. Alone you go faster, but together you go further, which is what I wrote a blog about earlier. Invest in your relationships, keep talking to each other and who knows what surprising twists the future may bring.


So that engaging and staying in conversation with each other also means that we are not afraid to hold up a mirror to our - potential - clients. For example, I recently spoke to a potential client who was no longer satisfied with his current DAM system. When I started talking to him, it turned out that it wasn't so much the system, but more the time the client himself was willing to put in. After all, if you're going to automate your marketing, you have to make time for it. It's as simple as that. Of course I could have thought: go get the customer, we'll see the rest later. But if he is not willing to invest time in his DAM system now, he won't be with us either. And then I'll have a much more awkward conversation six months from now.

Good care for the constituency

We also think it is important to take good care of our own team. There are plenty of stories of people hearing little to nothing from their employers in the past few months. It's not a given that your team knows how to keep all the balls in the air now that they have to work from home. So we regularly do something to keep our people engaged. That can be in a personal conversation, or in a nice touch like a beer box delivered to their home or a brownie that comes in the mail. It's not that complicated, but we find that it's very much appreciated.

Satisfied man

So yes, my podiatrist saw that very well, I am a satisfied person. I become very happy with my family, my children, but also with entrepreneurship. But in my way, with personal attention to the people around me.

A little sparring?

Want to spar before the end of the year or just talk to each other? That's always possible! Feel free to call 020 820 8382 or email


The magic word of 2021? Content


Building the future bears fruit