Automate your content, start today

There is no accountant working on an abacus anymore, and even the Texas Instrument TI-84 Plus CE-T Python Edition has long since been replaced by a smart SaaS solution. So why is content distribution far from being automated everywhere already?

Optimal availability of content

In one of our earlier blogs, we talked about rebranding and the fact that you shouldn't forget about management and rollout in the rebranding process. But of course, not only with a new corporate identity should you look at supporting your brand with smart Brand Management solutions. The same goes for a settled corporate identity. Is the availability of your content optimal? Are you delivering your digital assets and brand elements as efficiently as possible? After all, payroll no longer works with an abacus either, so why are you still so inefficient as a marketer?

No attention to content during study

I already wrote a blog once about the fact that in an article about THE branding trends for 2021, I was missing a piece about the added value of marketing software. What turns out? Even during commercial economics courses there is no attention to this topic, I discovered recently. I got into a conversation with a young man who recently graduated in that field, just like me at the beginning of this century. When I studied, it was mostly about the principles of marketing according to Kotler, and attention to something vague like websites was an exception then. I assumed that content management and distribution was part of the study by now, but the opposite turned out to be true. I found that curious, to say the least. In those two decades that have now passed, everything in the field of content has certainly increased fifty-fold. We deliver marketers who know all about SEO and SEA, but how to efficiently manage content is not discussed. That surprises me.

Disorder does not resolve itself

If you still think you can very traditionally manage all the content and media being created today, something is not going right. We hear it every day: we can't find our files, we can't remember the latest version, our brand assets are everywhere and nowhere. That doesn't fix itself. At the end of the day, you have to think about how to manage your brand identity well, and not just when rebranding, but day in and day out. As far as I'm concerned, that starts with paying attention to marketing software in the textbooks.


Do you also want to start using our Brand Management solutions in 2022? Wondering how Comrads can support your organization to more efficiently manage, communicate and share all your digital assets, brand files, content and media? Download our DAM guide about the advantages of Digital Asset Management or request a no-obligation demo right away. We like to think along with you. Now and in the future.


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