Do you throw in the towel or go for the second round

For three months virtually the entire economy was on hiatus, but now things are cautiously starting to happen again. We hope that there is also room for new positive developments within your organization, but above all that you have the energy to get to work on them. Because if we take up the challenge now, we can make it another great second half of 2020.

Slowly we are seeing some movement again

In late May, the FD headlined, "Economy seems to be recovering after thump. I must say that my colleagues and I have noticed this as well. We see that more and more budding clients are daring to start spending money again. Matters that were on the agenda before the Corona crisis came our way are now being taken up again. By large parties but also by smaller parties.

New opportunities

We previously wrote a blog about the importance of building your brand in times of crisis. We ourselves have actually spent more money on marketing and sales in recent months. This is now paying off. The sales agents who are calling around for us are increasingly coming back with fun and interesting appointments. The energy that we have put into our marketing and sales in the relatively quiet past ten weeks is now turning into great new opportunities.


We hope that within your organization there is also room for new positive developments and that you also have the energy to work on them. Because sometimes that is still difficult. It seems as if the entire Dutch business world is ready for vacation. After all, we have had a surreal period, and apart from the business impact that period has had, it has also demanded some of our adaptability and that can be quite tiring.


Of course there are entrepreneurs who have water on their lips. But certainly within B2B, there are still plenty of companies that can make something beautiful out of the second half of this year. Don't throw in the towel, but rise to the challenge. July and August are often a somewhat sleepy period in "ordinary" years. But this year is not ordinary. So let's use the summer months this year to make a turnaround and give a good positive boost to your brand. We're going for it!

Ready for the second round?

Also ready for the second round? We'd love to tell you more about what a Digital Asset Management system can do for your organization and how to make its use a success? Feel free to contact us for a free demo on location. We'd love to think along with you.


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