Comrads, Digital Asset Management (DAM) for strong brands

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AI and the creative process. Threat or support?

The recent developments surrounding artificial intelligence are causing quite a stir. Are our jobs going to disappear? Will robots take over the world? Or can we actually benefit from these technological developments? In this blog, Sebastiaan de Ruiter shines his light on the matter.

Artificial intelligence is driving us crazy

In an interview with The Guardian, tech guru Jaron Lanier says the danger is not that AI will destroy us, but that it will drive us crazy. A statement I can agree with. I certainly won't deny that the rise of automation in general and AI in particular is having a major impact on the development and content creation processes within organizations. But in my humble opinion, that influence is mostly positive. If you can automate boring and repetitive tasks, human creativity actually gets more space. I don't know who could object to that.

The impact of AI on software development

A platform like ChatGPT can help program an app or game by completing pieces of code and can also debug written code. We at Comrads, meanwhile, also deploy AI. We do that in software development, for example, to keep code compact and consistent, keeping it organized.

The impact of artificial intelligence on content creation

We also use AI to support the content creation process. I still write a blog like this myself; the personal touch is what makes a blog a blog. Slightly less personal content like our glossary or an overview of frequently asked questions about DAM we will gladly let a robot write. By the way, you could also perfectly well have a blog written by ChatGPT, for example about the ten benefits of a DAM system. I would then get a neat ten benefits - think better findability and brand consistency - including an explanation. Then, of course, it is up to me, with all my experience in the field, to check whether what I get thrown in my lap is actually correct. (I have checked, by the way, and it is correct!)

The creative process remains in the hands of man

It is important that the creative part of the content creation process comes from humans, and not the other way around. AI can certainly help you write content, but it's still important as an organization to maintain control over the content. This is true when writing blogs, but also when developing software. The role of developers will certainly change with the rise of AI. They will increasingly become demand formulators who come up with the architecture, while AI will be the contractor in charge of the actual building. However, the creative process will still be human work, you just get a helping hand. Nice, right?

Getting even more out of your content creation?

Looking for tips to make your online content creation scalable? In our white paper we give you some handy tips. Completely conceived and written by ourselves by the way...

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