Comrads, Digital Asset Management (DAM) for strong brands

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Never lose anything again. Utopia or closer than you think?

Never search again, how nice would that be? Impossible, you may think. But maybe it's closer than you think. The benefits of having all your marketing materials in a future-proof system.

Headless chicken

Seek, and ye shall find. That's what we can read in the Holy Bible, but if you're looking around for that one file in that directory structure on your computer or on the server, there's probably little sacredness that comes over you. That's exactly the difference between a directory structure and a DAM system. With a directory structure, you try to remember where you stored something; with a DAM system, you find what you're looking for, no matter how you search. And, just as importantly, at least then you can also be sure that the version you find is actually the latest version of the file. Compare it to searching for your keychain. Do you run around the house like a headless chicken, angry at yourself for once again forgetting where you put your keys, or do you call them and they present themselves with a signal?


A good DAM system is the foundation of your marketing ecosystem. The central repository of your content, with which you can maximize the value of your assets and ensure their consistency across the organization. You can query that DAM system with search terms, and thanks to intuitive filters, the desired file or piece of content is neatly presented. With that, you already make a big step. Your DAM system as a one-stop shop for all your assets.

Center of the universe

The next step is to connect that digital hub with the ecosystems around it. Because if you can query assets from your DAM system, so can any system. Whether it's your PIM, CDN, ERP or CMS, these systems can query your DAM system just as easily as you can. And isn't that the ultimate form of automation? A webshop that looks for its own files without physical, human intermediaries? In this way you go from 'oh my god, where was it again' to a future-proof system in which everything can always be found. And so your DAM system becomes the center of your marketing universe.


Want to talk further about how our complete Digital Brand & Asset Management solutions can support your organization to efficiently manage, communicate and share all your brand elements, logos, fonts, colors and guidelines? Feel free to contact us or request a free demo right away. We like to think along with you. Now and in the future.